CS 637 Mathematics II: Theory of Computation and Graph Theory, Spring 2024

Instructor: Prof. Neminath Hubballi (neminath@iiti.ac.in), Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Indore
Teaching Assistants: Nisha Kumari Barsha (ms2204101007@iiti.ac.in) and Suhas Hegde (ms2304101013@iiti.ac.in)

This is an advanced level course designed to provide theoretical background of Computer Science to the students. It explores the theoretical limits of computation and provides necessary ingredients to show what can be computed. It also covers some important topics in graph theory.

Week Topic Reading/Reference Material
Week 1 Basics of Theory of Computation, Language, Standard Turing Machine 7.1 – 7.2 of Textbook-2
Week 2 Computable Functions, Turing Machine as Language Acceptor and Transducer. 7.3 of Textbook-2