Polynomial Vault: A secure and robust fingerprint based authentication

Syed Sadaf Ali1, Iyyakutti Iyappan Ganapathi1, Sajid Mahyo2, Surya Prakash1
1Discipline of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Indore, Indore-453552, India
2Ecole Internationale des Sciences du Traitement de l'Information, France

* E-mail: phd1301101006@iiti.ac.in, phd1501101002@iiti.ac.in, mahyosajid@eisti.eu, surya@iiti.ac.in

Codes for Polynomial Vault (click here)



A robust technique for fingerprint template protection

Syed Sadaf Ali1, Iyyakutti Iyappan Ganapathi1, Surya Prakash1
1Discipline of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Indore, Indore-453552, India
* E-mail: {phd1301101006, phd1501101002, surya}@iiti.ac.in

DOI: 10.1049/iet-bmt.2018.5070 (click here)

Abstract : Fingerprint authentication systems generally save data extracted from fingerprint as minutiae template in the database. However, it is often found that databases can be attacked and compromised by the adversary. So if minutiae points of a user are leaked, fingerprint can be generated from them. The fingerprint cannot be changed as finger is a part of human body. Hence, securing information extracted from the fingerprint is required. In this paper, we propose a highly secure technique that uses location information of the minutia points to construct a highly secured template for a user. For every minutia point, secured modified location is generated by using information of its neighboring minutiae and a key-set. We have achieved 2%, 1%, and 3.1% EER values for FVC2002 DB1, DB2, and DB3 fingerprint databases respectively, under the same-key scenario. Analysis done for several attacks shows that the proposed technique is very robust and secure. The experimental results are extremely encouraging and they demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed technique.

Graphical abstract of the technique/Flow diagram :


Few examples of sample fingerprint images :


Few examples of singular and minutiae points detected from the fingerprint sample images shown above



Secured template generated from the fingerprint images using key-set :



Code for :