OPTImization for MAchine Learning (OPTIMAL) Research Group
OPTImization for MAchine Learning (OPTIMAL)
Research Group
Please see GitHub respository for codes.

2024 - INSA Distinguished Lecture Fellow 2024 (the only receipient in Engineering & Technology Sectional Committee).

2024 - INNS Aharon Katzir Young Investigator Award for 2023.

2024 - IEEE CIS Distingusihed Lecturer for three years.

2023 - Elected INSA Associate Fellow.

2023- Elected Board of Governors - Asia Pacific Neural Network Society.

2023 - Excellence in Research Award, IIT Indore.

2023 - Listed in the world's top 2% influential scientists in the study carried out by Stanford University, USA.

2022 - Asia Pacific Neural Network Society Young Researcher Award.

2023 - Founding Chair of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Chapter, MP Section.

2022 - 29th ICONIP 2022 Best Paper Award (USD 400).

2021 - IIT Indore Best UG Researcher Award (published in IEEE JBHI and ACM TOMM) (UG Students: Tarun Gupta and Miten Shah) 2021.

2019 - IIT Indore Best UG Researcher Award (published in Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier) (UG Students: Mr. Rahul and Mr. Sanchit).

2018 - Awarded Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB) Foreign Travel Grant.

2018 onwards - Recognized Faculty, Indian Academy of Sciences, Summer Research Fellowship Program.

2017 - Awarded Early Career Research Award from DST-SERB, Govt. of India.

2016 - Awarded prestigious Ramanujan Fellowship from DST-SERB, Govt. of India.

2015 - Awarded Rolls-Royce@NTU Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, NTU Singapore.

Project Evaluator - SERB Core Research Grant.

Project Evaluator - MHRD SPARC Scheme.

Evaluated PhD Thesis and conducted PhD viva in several places including IIITD, IIIT SriCity, Swinburne University, Australia.

Distinguished invitee at ACM-Microsoft-Infosys Academic Research Summit, IISC Bangalore.

2022 - Received USD 6000 from IEEE Computational Intelligence Society to organize Summer School.

2021 - Listed in the world's top 2% scientists in the study carried out by Stanford University, USA.

2020 - Received full funding (USD 3000) to organize a summer School under IEEE Computational Intelligence Society.

2019 - Invited as Visiting Professor at NTUST, Taiwan.

2018 - IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Travel Award.

2018 - Invited as Visiting Professor at Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Project Evaluator - FONDECYT-CHILE under Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation Ministry's National Research and Development Agency.

Associate Editor: Pattern Recognition, Elsevier (Nov 2021 onwards) (IF: 7.74).
NEWS (to be updated)AWARDS
  1. January, 2019: Our paper entiled "Sparse pinball twin SVM" has been chosen for IIT Indore Best UG Researcher Award. Congratulations to the team Dr. Aruna Tiwari, Mr. Rahul and Mr. Sanchit.
  2. December, 2018: Welcome to Ashwani who has joined the group for his PhD.
  3. December, 2018: Delivered an Invited Talk at Winter School on Deep Learning and AI (DLAI) at Bangkok.
  4. November, 2018: Organize three special sessions at IEEE SSCI 2018.
  5. November, 2018: Delivered an Expert Lecture on Machine Intelligence at Nagpur, India
  6. October, 2018: Dr. Tanveer is awarded IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Travel Award.
  7. August 2018: Delivered an Invited Talk under Indo-French Workshop, IIT Indore.
  8. July, 2018: Welcome to Mudasir who has joined the group as JRF
  9. July, 2018: Delivered an Invited Talk at Department of Computer Science, UFMG, Brazil.
  10. July, 2018: Delivered Two Talks at WCCI 2018.
  11. July, 2018: Welcome to Riyaj Uddin who has joined the group as SRF.
  12. June, 2018: Dr. M. Tanveer is awarded Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB) Foreign Travel Grant.
  13. May, 2018: Dr. Tanveer is invited as Visiting Professor at Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil during June-July, 2018
  14. May, 2018: Dr. Tanveer is invited with PhD student Mr. Bharat for research talk and collaboration at National Brain Research Centre (NBRC) Gurgaon.
  15. May, 2018: Dr. Tanveer is invited for research talk at South Asian University New Delhi.
  16. April, 2018: Special Session proposal on Computational Intelligence in Cyber Threat Analytics under IEEE SSCI 2018 has been approved in collaboration with NTNU Norway.
  17. April, 2018: Special Session proposal on Computational intelligence for biomedical data and imaging under IEEE SSCI 2018 has been approved in collaboration with IIIT Allahabad, AStar Singapore and SAU New Delhi.
  18. April, 2018: Dr. Tanveer deliver talks in a workshop on Nature Inspired Algorithms for Solving Complex Engineering Problems at Galgotias University.
  19. April, 2018: Dr. Tanveer's research project is approved under DST - ICPS - Data Science Research Initiative Scheme.
  20. March, 2018: Accepted two papers in IJCNN 2018.
  21. March, 2018: Accepted one paper in Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier.
  22. March, 2018: Dr. Tanveer is invited as Special Session Chair of IEEE SSCI 2018 to be held at Bengaluru.
  23. December, 2017: Welcome to Bharat who has joined the group for his PhD.
  24. September, 2017: Dr. Tanveer joined as Assistant Professor in the Discipline of Mathematics, IIT Indore.
  25. September, 2017: Approved CSIR research project of INR 31 Lakhs under Extra Mural Research (EMR) Scheme.
  26. August, 2017: Welcome to Bharat who has joined the OPTIMAL group as Junior Research Fellow.
  27. May, 2017: Welcome to Manami who has joined the OPTIMAL group as Research Assistant.
  28. May, 2017: Welcome to Anshul and Victoria who have joined the OPTIMAL group for their Master thesis.
  29. May, 2017: Organizer and Local Coordinator: NTU-India Connect Program-International Symposium on Computational Mathematics, Optimization, and Computational Intelligence (CMOCI 2017) to be held on July 17-19, 2017 at IIT Indore.
  30. April, 2017: Received SERB Early Career Research Award 2017.
  31. January, 2017: Distinguished invitee at ACM-Microsoft-Infosys Academic Research Summit, IISC Bangalore.
  32. October 05-09, 2016: Two Invited Talks at Workshop on Big Data and Soft Computing:Techniques & Applications at Department of Computer Engineering, AMU Aligarh.
  33. September, 2016: Appointed as Editorial Review Board Member of International Journal of Applied Intelligence, Springer (SCI Indexed).
  34. July, 2016: Offered Assistant Professor of Engineering Sciences at Mahindra Ecole Centrale.
  35. June, 2016: Awarded prestigious Ramanujan fellowship from SERB-DST (Govt. of India).
  36. May, 2016: Offered Visiting Assistant Professor position at Discipline of Mathematics, IIT Indore.