An incomplete list of my activities is here.

Reviewer for

IEEE Communication Letters
ACM Transactions on the Web
IEEE Transactions on Information and Forensic Security
Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer
Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier
International Journal of Network Management, Elsevier
Journal of Computers and Security, Elsevier
Journal of Network and System Management, Springer
Journal of Security and Applications, Elsevier
National Conference on Communication 2013,2016

I am/was Program Committee Member of Many Conferences including

CNERT 2024
TPC Chair IEEE ANTS 2021
ISBA 2019
TCP Co-Chair IEEE ANTS 2018
AsiaS&P 2017

Better to Remain Silent And Be Thought a Fool Than To Speak Out And Remove All Doubt
By: Abraham Lincoln
In the End, It's Not The Years In Your Life that Count. It's The Life In Your Years
By: Abraham Lincoln
The Best Thing About the Future Is That It Comes One Day At A Time
By: Abraham Lincoln