
  • Editorial Board Member, ISRN Mechanical Engineering, Hindawai Publication, USA (2014-2019)
  • Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME); Life Member, Indian Society for Heat and Mass transfer (ISHMT)
  • Reviewer of International Journals: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (Elsevier), International communication in Heat Transfer (Elsevier),Nuclear Engineering and Design (Elsevier), International Journal of Thermal Science (Elsevier), Applied Thermal Engineering (Elsevier), Ocean Engineering (Elsevier), Resource-Efficient Technologies (Elsevier), Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics (Elsevier), Journal of King Saud University (Science) (Elsevier), Comptes Rendus Mecanique (Elsevier), Heat and Mass Transfer (Springer), Sadhana-Academy Proceedings in Engineering Science (Springer), Experimental Heat Transfer (Taylor and Francis), International Journal of Green Energy (Taylor and Francis), International Journal of Ambient Energy (Taylor and Francis), Chemical Engineering Communications (Taylor and Francis), Heat Transfer Engineering (Taylor and Francis), Thermal Science (International Scientific Journal), Defense Science Journal, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy (American Institute of Physics)