IIT Indore

  • Trapti Jain, “Available Transfer Capability in Electricity Market” Lambert Academic Publishing Ltd., Germany, ISBN-978-3847370802, 2012
  • Trapti Jain, S.N. Singh and S.C. Srivastava, “STATCOM Application for Enhancement of Available Power Transfer Capability in Transmission Networks”, chapter 15 in a book titled “Static Compensators in Power Systems”, Springer, ISBN: 978-981-287-280-7 (Print) 978-981-287-281-4 (Online)
  • Prateek Jain and Trapti Jain, “Grid Integration of Large-Scale Electric Vehicles: Enabling Support Through Power Storage”, Chapter 13 in a book titled “Operation, Planning and Analysis of Energy Storage Systems in Smart Energy Hubs”, Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018, ISBN: 978-3-319-75096-5 (Print), 978-3-319-75097-2 (Online), doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-75097-2_11, April 2018.
  • E S N Raju P and Trapti Jain, “Distributed Energy Resources and Control”, Chapter 2 in a book titled “Distributed Energy Resources in Microgrids”, Elsevier, ISBN:9780128177747 (Print), 9780128177754 (Online), August 2019
  • E S N Raju P and Trapti Jain, “WAM-based Hierarchical Control of Islanded AC Microgrids”, Chapter in a book titled “Microgrids: Advances in Operation, Control and Protection”, Springer (accepted)

  1. Adnan Iqbal and Trapti Jain, “Real-Time Event Detection based on Weibull Distribution Using Synchrophasor Measurements for Enhanced Situational Awareness," in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2021, doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2021.3108481
  2. Vinay K Tiwari, Amod C Umarikar and Trapti Jain, “Measurement of Instantaneous Power Quality Parameters using UWPT and Hilbert Transform and its FPGA Implementation”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 70, pp. 1-13, 2021.
  3. Karthik Thirumala, Aditi Kanjolia, Trapti Jain and Amod C Umarikar, “Empirical Wavelet Transform and Dual Feed Forward Neural Network for Classification of Power Quality Disturbances”, International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion, Vol. 11, pp. 1-21, 2020.
  4. Vinay K Tiwari, Amod C Umarikar and Trapti Jain, “Field Programmable Gate Array-Based Measurement System for Real-Time Estimation of Single-Phase Electric Power Quantities”, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 19, pp. 5086-5097, 2019.
  5. Joice G Philip and Trapti Jain, “An Improved Stochastic Subspace Identification based Estimation of Low Frequency Modes in Power System Using Synchrophasor”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 109, pp. 495-503, 2019
  6. Karthik Thirumala, Sushmita Pal, Trapti Jain and Amod C. Umarikar, “A Classification Method for Multiple Power Quality Disturbances using EWT based adaptive filtering and multiclass SVM”, Neurocomputing, Vol. 334, pp. 265-274, 2019.
  7. T. Venkatesh and Trapti Jain, “Synchronized Measurements based transient security assessment of power systems using Adaboost Classifiers”, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Vol. 13, No. 17, pp. 3980-3987, 2019
  8. E.S.N. Raju P and Trapti Jain, “Development and Validation of a Generalized Modeling Approach for Islanded Inverter based Microgrids with Static and Dynamic Loads”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, vol. 108, pp. 177-190, June 2019.
  9. Prateek Jain, Ashutosh Das and Trapti Jain, “Aggregated Electric Vehicle Resource Modelling for Regulation Services Commitment in Power Grid”, Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol. 45, pp. 435-450, 2019.
  10. T. Karthik, Amod C. Umarikar and Trapti Jain, “An Improved Adaptive filtering Approach for Power Quality Analysis of Time-Varying Waveforms”, Measurement, Vol. 131, Jan. 2019, pp.677-685.
  11. E.S.N. Raju P and Trapti Jain, “A Two-level Hierarchical Controller to Enhance Stability and Dynamic Performance of Islanded Inverter-based Microgrids with Static and Dynamic Loads”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 2786-2797, May 2019.
  12. T. Venkatesh and Trapti Jain, “Synchronized Measurements-based Wide-Area Static Security Assessment and Classification of Power Systems Using Case Based Reasoning Classifiers”, Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 68, May 2018, pp.513-525.
  13. Prateek Jain and Trapti Jain, “Application of V2G and G2V Coordination of Aggregated Electrical Vehicle Resource in Load leveling”, International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, Vol. 19, pp. 1-15, February 2018.
  14. E.S.N. Raju P and Trapti Jain, “Impact of Load Dynamics and Load Sharing among Distributed Generations on Stability and Dynamic Performance of Islanded AC Microgrids”, Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 157, pp. 200-210, April 2018
  15. T. Venkatesh and Trapti Jain, “AdaBoost Classifiers for phasor measurements based security assessment of power systems”, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Vol. 12, pp. 1747-1755, 2018
  16. T. Venkatesh and Trapti Jain, “Placement of synchronized measurements for power system observability during cascaded outages”, International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, Vol. 18, Issue 6, pp. 1-12, November 2017
  17. Joice G Philip and Trapti Jain, “Analysis of low frequency oscillations in power system using EMO ESPRIT”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 95, pp. 499-506, 2018
  18. Joice G Philip and Trapti Jain, “An Improved Redundant Observability Model for Optimal Placement of PMUs with different channel capacities”, WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 377-385, Feb 2018
  19. Vinay K Tiwari, Amod C Umarikar and Trapti Jain, “Fast Amplitude Estimation of Harmonics Using Undecimated Wavelet Packet Transform and Its Hardware Implementation”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 67, pp. 65-77, 2018
  20. T. Karthik, M. Siva Prasad, Trapti Jain and Amod C. Umarikar, “Tunable-Q Wavelet Transform and Dual Multiclass SVM for Online Automatic Detection of Power Quality Disturbances”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol. 9, pp. 3018-3028, 2018.
  21. Prateek Jain and Trapti Jain, “Techno-Economic Aspects in Electricity Market Operations with Grid Interfaced Electric Vehicles”, The Journal of CPRI, vol. 13, pp. 453-462, 2017
  22. E.S.N. Raju P and Trapti Jain, “Robust Optimal Centralized Controller to Mitigate the Small Signal Instability in an Islanded Inverter based Microgrid with Active and Passive Loads”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, vol. 90, pp. 225-236, September 2017
  23. E.S.N. Raju P and Trapti Jain, “Optimal Decentralized Supplementary Inverter Control Loop to Mitigate Instability in an Islanded Microgrid with Active and Passive Loads”, International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, Vol.18, Issue 1, February 2017
  24. Karthik Thirumala, Shantanu, Trapti Jain and Amod C. Umarikar, “Visualizing Time-Varying Power Quality Indices using Generalized Empirical Wavelet Transform”, Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 143, pp. 99-109, 2017.
  25. Prateek Jain and Trapti Jain, “Development of V2G and G2V Power Profiles and their Implications on Grid under Varying Equilibrium of Aggregated Electric Vehicles”, International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, Vol. 17, Issue 2, March 2016, pp. 101-115.
  26. T. Venkatesh and Trapti Jain, “Intelligent-search technique based strategic placement of synchronized measurements for power system observability”, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 42, Issue 10, June 2015, pp. 4768-4777.
  27. T. Karthik, Amod C. Umarikar and Trapti Jain, “Estimation of single phase and three-phase power quality indices using Empirical Wavelet Transform”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol.30, No.1, Feb. 2015, pp.445-454.
  28. T. Jain, S.N. Singh and S.C. Srivastava, “Fast static available transfer capability determination using radial basis function neural network” International Journal of Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier), Vol. 11, Issue 2, March 2011, pp 2756-2764.
  29. T. Jain, S.N. Singh and S.C. Srivastava, “Adaptive wavelet neural network based fast dynamic available transfer capability determination”, IET Proceedings on Generation Transmission and Distribution, Vol. 4, Issue 4, April 2010, pp 519-529.
  30. T. Jain, S.N. Singh and S.C. Srivastava, “Dynamic ATC enhancement through optimal placement of FACTS controllers”, Electrical Power Systems Research, (Elsevier), Vol. 79, Issue 11, November 2009, pp. 1473-1482.
  31. T. Jain, S.N. Singh and S.C. Srivastava, “Assessment of oscillatory stability constrained available transfer capability”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, (Elsevier), Vol. 31, Issue 5, May 2009, pp. 192-200.
  32. T. Jain, S.N. Singh and S.C. Srivastava, “Dynamic available transfer capability computation using a hybrid approach”, IET Proceedings on Generation Transmission and Distribution, Vol. 2, Issue 6, Nov. 2008, pp 775-788.
  33. T. Jain, L. Srivastava and S.N. Singh, “Fast voltage contingency screening using Radial Basis Function Neural Network”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol.18, No. 4, Nov. 2003, pp 1359-1366.

  1. Adnan Iqbal and Trapti Jain, “Synchrophasor based data driven approach for fault identification using multi-class support vector machine”, National Power Systems Conference (NPSC 2020) held online at IIT Gandhinagar during 17-19 December 2020.
  2. Karthik Thirumala, Harshal Jamode, Trapti Jain and Amod C. Umarikar, “Knowledge based neural network for classification of Power Quality Disturbances”, 19th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (ICHQP), held online in Dubai during July 6-7, 2020.
  3. Harshal Jamode , Karthik Thirumala, Trapti Jain and Amod C. Umarikar, “Virtual Power Quality Disturbance Classifier using Knowledge based neural network”, National Power Electronics Conference (NPEC 2019) held at NIT Trichy during 13-15 December 2019
  4. Sukanya Dutta, Joice G. Philip, and Trapti Jain “A Fourier-EWT Approach for Identifying the Low Frequency Modes Present in the Power System,” Proceedings of 15th IEEE India Council International Conference 2018, (INDICON-2018), Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham-Coimbatore, Dec 16th-18th, 2018.
  5. Vinay Kumar Tiwari, Himanshu Sandhibigraha, Amod C Umarikar and Trapti Jain, “Undecimated wavelet packet transform based visualization of time-varying power quality disturnaces”, National Power Systems Conference (NPSC 2018) held at NIT Trichy during 14-16 December 2018.
  6. Joice G Philip and Trapti Jain, “Estimation of modal parameters of low frequency oscillations in power system using Hankels total least square method” accepted for presentation Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Asia (ISGT Asia 2018) held at Singapore during 22-25 May 2018.
  7. Joice G Philip and Trapti Jain, “Optimal placement of PMUs of different channel capacity for complete observability with increased measurement redundancy” accepted for presentation in 1st International and 4th National Conference on Reliability And Safety Engineering to be held at IIITDM Jabalpur during February 26-28, 2018.
  8. Karthik Thirumala, Amod C. Umarikar, and Trapti Jain, "DSP Implementation of the Empirical Wavelet Transform for Classification of Power Quality Disturbances," in Proc. of 2017 7th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), pp. 698- 703, Pune, India, December 21-23, 2017.
  9. Prateek Jain and Trapti Jain, "Smart Integration of Large Scale Electric Vehicle Storage into the Grid: Challenges and Opportunities," in Proc. of First International Conference on Large-scale grid integration of renewable energy in India, New Delhi, India, September 06-08, 2017.
  10. T. Venkatesh, Ravi Bujethiya, Ramlakhan Meena and Trapti Jain, "Wide Area Static Security Assessment of Power Systems using Wavelet Support Vector Machine," in Proc. of IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting 2017, Chicago, Illinois, USA, July 16-20, 2017.
  11. E S N Raju P and Trapti Jain, "Real-time Validation of a Robust LQG based Decentralized Supplementary Control Loop to Mitigate Instability in an Islanded Microgrid," in Proc. of First International Conference on Power Engineering Computing and Control (PECCON 2017), VIT Chennai, India, March 2-4, 2017
  12. T. Karthik, Amod C Umarikar and Trapti Jain, “A new classification model based on SVM for single and combined power quality disturbances”, accepted for oral presentation in National Power System Conference (NPSC-2016) to be held at IIT Bhubaneswar during 19-21 December 2016.
  13. Prateek Jain and Trapti Jain, “Techno-Economic aspects in electricity market operations with grid interfaced electric vehicles”, National Conference on Challenges and Issues in Operation of Competitive Electricity Markets (CIOCEM-2016) held at CPRI Bangalore during 8-9 December 2016.
  14. T. Karthik, Amod C Umarikar and Trapti Jain, “A Generalized Empirical Wavelet Transform for Classification of Power Quality Disturbances” accepted in IEEE PES PowerCon to be held at Wollongong, Australia during 28 September-1 October 2016.
  15. T. Karthik, Siva Prasad, Trapti Jain and Amod C. Umarikar, “Tunable-Q wavelet transform based approach for recognition of power quality disturbances” IEEE International WIE Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering held at Dhaka, Bangladesh during 19-20 December 2015.
  16. Prateek Jain, Dilkhush Meena and Trapti Jain, “Revenue valuation of aggregated electric vehicles participating in V2G power service”, Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Asia (ISGT Asia 2015) held at Bangkok, Thailand during 4-6 November 2015.
  17. Joice G Philip and Trapti Jain, “Optimal placement of PMUs for power system observability with increased redundancy”, Conference on Power, Control and Communication Technologies for Sustainable Growth held at Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh during 11-12 December 2015
  18. Venkatesh. T and Trapti Jain, “Optimal PMU placement using best first search algorithm with pruning”, National Power Systems Conference (NPSC 2014) held at IIT Guwahati during 18-20 December 2014.
  19. E S N Raju P and Trapti Jain, “Centralized supplementary controller to stabilize an islanded AC microgrid”, National Power Systems Conference (NPSC 2014) held at IIT Guwahati during 18-20 December 2014.
  20. T. Karthik, Amod C. Umarikar and Trapti Jain, “Empirical wavelet transform based single phase power quality indices”, National Power Systems Conference (NPSC 2014) held at IIT Guwahati during 18-20 December 2014.
  21. Prateek Jain and Trapti Jain, “Impacts of G2V and V2G power on electricity demand profile”, IEEE International Electric Vehicle Conference 2014 held at Florence, Italy during 17-19 December 2014.
  22. E S N Raju P and Trapti Jain, “Wide area measurements based centralized controller to stabilize an inverter fed islanded microgrid”, Sixth IEEE POWER INDIA International Conference held at Delhi Technological University during 5-7 December 2014.
  23. Prateek Jain and Trapti Jain, “Assessment of electric vehicle charging load and its impact on electricity market price”, Third International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo held at Vienna, Austria during 3-7 November 2014.
  24. E S N Raju P and Trapti Jain, “Small Signal Modeling and Stability Analysis of an Islanded AC Microgrid with Inverter Interfaced DGs”, Proceedings of International Conference on Smart Electric Grid held during 19-20 th September 2014 at Guntur.
  25. Ravindra Dhakad, Ravi Kumar and Trapti Jain, “Impact of Electric Vehicles on Energy Trading in an Electricity Market”, International Conference on Emerging trends in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering held during 13-14 March 2014, Tekanpur, India, pp. 201-206.
  26. E S N Raju P and Trapti Jain, “Hybrid AC/DC Micro Grid: An Overview”, 5th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems to be held during 28-30th October 2013 at Kathmandu.
  27. Trapti Jain and Arvind Jain, “Implementation of artificial neural networks in real time power systems: Challenges and Issues”, 5 th Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI-11) organized in Tumkur, India during December 14-16, 2011.
  28. Arvind Kumar Jain and Trapti Jain, “Optimal bidding strategy of generating companies in forward electricity markets”, Proceedings of National Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation (NCMMAS-09), Gwalior, Jan. 9-11, 2009.
  29. T. Jain, S. N. Singh and S. C. Srivastava, “Dynamic available transfer capability evaluation considering Hopf bifurcation limit”, Proceedings of National Power System Conference (NPSC 2008) I.I.T. Bombay, Dec 16-18, 2008, pp 55-60.
  30. T. Jain, S.N. Singh and S.C. Srivastava, “ A Neural Network based method for fast ATC estimation in electricity markets”, presented in IEEE PES General Meeting held at Tampa, Florida , USA during 24-28 June 2007.
  31. T. Jain, S. N. Singh and S. C. Srivastava, “Fast available transfer capability determination using artificial neural network”, Proceedings of National Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering (AEE-2006), Gwalior, Nov. 29-30, pp 509-513.
  32. T. Jain, L. Srivastava, S.N. Singh and I.Erlich, “New Parallel radial basis function neural network for voltage security analysis”, Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Systems Application to Power Systems (ISAP-2005), Washington DC, USA 6-10 November 2005, pp 320-326.
  33. T. Jain, L. Srivastava, S.N. Singh and A. Jain, “Parallel radial basis function neural network based fast voltage estimation for contingency analysis”, Proceedings of International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies, Hongkong, April 5-8, 2004, pp 780-784.
  34. T. Jain, L. Srivastava and S.N. Singh, “Fast voltage estimation using parallel radial basis function neural network”, Proceedings of International Conference on Electric Supply Industry in Transition: Issues and Prospect for Asia, Bangkok, Jan. 14-16, 2004, pp 8-10-8-18.
  35. T. Jain, L. Srivastava and S.N. Singh, “Voltage Security assessment using Unsupervised and Supervised Learning”, Proceedings of All India Jamia Electrical Engineering Conference 2003 Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, Aug 16-17,2003, pp 93-97.
  36. T. Jain, L. Srivastava and S.N. Singh, “Feature Selection Techniques for Voltage Contingency Ranking using RBFN”, Proceedings of Conference on Services through I.T. enabled Systems (SITES-2003), Gwalior, April 19-20, 2003, pp 175-180.
  37. T. Jain, L. Srivastava, M. Pandit and S.N. Singh, “Fast voltage contingency ranking using Radial Basis Function Neural Network”, Proceedings of National Power System Conference (NPSC 2002) I.I.T. Kharagpur, Dec 27-29,2002, pp 791-795.
  38. M. Pandit, L. Srivastava, T. Jain and J. Sharma, “Fuzzified multilayer perceptron based fast voltage estimation”, Proceedings of National Power System Conference (NPSC 2002) I.I.T. Kharagpur, Dec 27-29,2002, pp 282-285.
Faculty Profile
Electrical Engineering
Prof. Trapti Jain
Electrical Engineering
