DNA Sequencing:
Nanoclusters |
Machine Learning |
CO2 Reduction |
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DNA Sequencing
★. Effect of Graphene Electrode Functionalization on Machine Learning-Aided Single Nucleotide Classification, Mohd Rashid, Milan K. Jena, Sneha Mittal and Biswarup Pathak, Nanoscale, 16, 20202-20215, 2024.
★. Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Transport Towards Stereoselective Identification of Carbohydrate Isomers, Sneha Mittal, Milan K. Jena Biswarup Pathak, ACS Central Science, 10, 9, 1689-1702, 2024. |
Front Cover Page Article
★. Machine Learning Empowered Next Generation DNA Sequencing: Perspective and Prospectus, Sneha Mittal, Milan K. Jena and Biswarup Pathak, Chemical Science(Perspective), 15, 12169-12188, 2024.
★. Machine Learning Prediction and Classification of Transmission Functions for Rapid DNA Sequencing in Hybrid Nanopore, Souptik Pandit, Milan K. Jena, Sneha Mittal and Biswarup Pathak, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 7, 14, 17120-17132 2024.
★. Machine Learning Assisted Direct RNA Sequencing with Epigenetic RNA Modifications Detection via Quantum Tunneling, Sneha Mittal, Milan K. Jena and Biswarup Pathak, Analytical Chemistry, 96, 28, 11516-11524 2024. |
Front Cover Page Article
★. Precision Basecalling of Single DNA Nucleotide from Overlapped Transmission Readouts with Machine Learning Aided Solid-State Nanogap, Milan K. Jena, Sneha Mittal and Biswarup Pathak, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16, 23, 29891-29901, 2024.
★. Advancement of Next-Generation DNA Sequencing through Ionic Blockade and Transverse Tunneling Current Methods, Rameshwar L. Kumawat, Milan K. Jena, Sneha Mittal and Biswarup Pathak, Small(Review), 2401112, 2024.
★. Deciphering DNA Nucleotide Sequence and their Rotation Dynamics with Interpretable Machine Learning Integrated C3N Nanopore, Milan K. Jena, Sneha Mittal, Surya S. Manna and Biswarup Pathak, Nanoscale, 15, 18080-18092, 2023.
★. Artificial Intelligence Aided Recognition and Classification of DNA Nucleotides Using MoS2 Nanochannel, Sneha Mitta, Souvik Manna, Milan K. Jena and Biswarup Pathak, Digital Discovery, 2, 1589-1600, 2023.
★. Artificially Intelligent Nanogap for Rapid DNA Sequencing: A Machine Learning Aided Quantum Tunneling Approach, Milan K. Jena, Diptendu Roy, Sneha Mittal and Biswarup Pathak, ACS Materials Letters, 5, 2488-2498, 2023.
★. Protein Sequencing with Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning Integrated Phosphorene Nanoslit, Sneha Mittal, Milan K. Jena and Biswarup Pathak, Chemistry - A European Journal, 29, 59, e202301667, 2023.
★. Decoding both DNA and Methylated DNA Using a MXene-Based Nanochannel Device: Supervised Machine Learning Assisted Exploration, Sneha Mittal, Souvik Manna, Milan K. Jena and Biswarup Pathak, ACS Materials Letters, 5, 1570-1580, 2023.
★. Development of an Artificially Intelligent Nanopore for High-Throughput DNA Sequencing with a Machine-Learning-Aided Quantum-Tunneling Approach, Milan K. Jena, and Biswarup Pathak, Nano Letters, 23, 7, 2511-2521, 2023. |
Front Cover Page Article
★. A Step towards Amino Acids Labeled DNA Sequencing: Boosting Transmission Sensitivity of Graphene Nanogap, Sneha Mittal and Biswarup Pathak, ACS Applied Bio Materials, 6, 1, 218-227, 2023.
★. A Step towards Amino Acids Labeled DNA Sequencing: Boosting Transmission Sensitivity of Graphene Nanogap, Sneha Mittal and Biswarup Pathak, ACS Applied Bio Materials, 6, 1, 218-227, 2022.
★. Machine Learning Prediction of Transmission Function for Protein Sequencing with Graphene Nanoslit, Sneha Mittal, Souvik Manna, and Biswarup Pathak, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14, 46, 51645-51655, 2022.
★. Towards Graphene Semi/Hybrid-Nanogap: A New Architecture for Ultrafast DNA Sequencing, Sneha Mittal and Biswarup Pathak, Nanoscale, 15, 757-767 2022.
★. Identification of DNA Nucleotides by Conductance and Tunnelling Current Variation through Borophene Nanogap, Milan Kumar Jena and Biswarup Pathak, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24, 21427-21439, 2022.
★. Amplifying Quantum-Tunneling Current Sensitivity through Labeling Nucleotides using Graphene Nanogap Electrodes, Sneha Mittal, Milan Kumar Jena and Biswarup Pathak, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 5, 7, 9356-9366 2022.
★. Conductance and Tunnelling Current Characteristics for Individual Identification of Synthetic Nucleic Acids with Graphene Device, Rameshwar L. Kumawat, and Biswarup Pathak, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24, 15756-15766 2022.
★. Graphene Nanoslit Device for Protein Sequencing: Ab-Initio Quantum Transport Study, Sneha Mittal Rameshwar L. Kumawat, Milan K. Jena and Biswarup Pathak, ACS Applied Nano Materials,5, 2, 2715-2727, 2022.
★. Identifying Single-Stranded DNA by Tuning the Graphene Nanogap Size: An Ionic Current Approach, Rameshwar L. Kumawat and Biswarup Pathak, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 126, 6, 1178-1187, 2022.
★. First-Principles Density Functional Theory Study on Graphene and Borophene Nanopores for Individual Identification of DNA Nucleotides, Milan K. Jena, Rameshwar L. Kumawat, and Biswarup Pathak, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 12, 13573-13586, 2021.
★. Electronic and Transport Properties of Bilayer Phosphorene Nanojunction: Effect of Paired Substitution Doping, V. Shukla, Rameshwar L. Kumawat, N. K. Jena, Biswarup Pathak, R. Ahuja, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 3, 733-742, 2021.
★. Individual Identification of Amino Acids on Atomically Thin Hydrogen Boride System using the Electronic Transport Calculations, Rameshwar Kumawat, Milan Jena,Biswarup Pathak, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124, 27194-27202, 2020.
★. Extended Topological Line Defects in Graphene for Individual Identification of DNA Nucleobases, Rameshwar L. Kumawat, Biswarup Pathak*, Materials Advances, 1, 2908-2916, 2020.
★. Functionalized Carbon Nanotube Electrodes for Controlled DNA Sequencing, Rameshwar L Kumawat, Biswarup Pathak, Nanoscale Advances, 2, 4041-4050, 2020.
★. Electronic Transport through DNA Nucleotides in a BC3 Nanogap for Rapid DNA Sequencing, Rameshwar L Kumawat Priyanka Garg, Gargee Bhattacharyya, Biswarup Pathak, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2, 1218-1225, 2020.
★. Prospects of Black Phosphorus Nanoribbon for Explosive Sensing: A Computational Approach, Rameshwar L. Kumawat, Biswarup Pathak, Applied Surface Science, 529, 147094, 2020.
★. Individual Identification of DNA Nucleobases on Atomically Thin Black Phosphorene Nanoribbon: vdW Corrected DFT Calculations, Rameshwar Kumawat, Biswarup Pathak, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123, 22377-22383, 2019.
★. Electronic Transport through DNA Nucleotides in Atomically Thin Phosphorene Electrodes for Rapid DNA Sequencing, Rameshwar L. Kumawat, Priyanka Garg, Sourabh Kumar, Biswarup Pathak, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 11, 219-225, 2019.

Dr. Biswarup Pathak