List of Publications and Book Chapters from SMM Group@IIT Indore


  1. Constructing a polycrystalline hybrid ternary CuS/Co3O4 with supported graphitic nitride electrocatalyst for bifunctional water splitting reactions .
    Ahmed, I., Abbas, Z., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  2. J. Mater. Chem. A , 2025,000,Accepted.

  3. Carbon Dots Anchored Bacterial Cellulose Hybrid Platform as Fluorescent Sensor and Photocatalytic Remover of Pharmaceuticals.
    Mate, N., Kallayi, N., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  4. J. Mater. Chem. C , 2025,000,Accepted.


  5. Lignin-derived Carbon Dots Upgraded Bacterial Cellulose Membrane as All-in-one Interfacial Evaporator for Solar-driven Water Purification.
    Mate, N., Kallayi, N., Preethikumar, G., Pillai, S., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  6. Mater. Horizon,, 2024,11,5114-5122.

  7. Development of new amine-functionalized metal-organic framework for enhanced triboelectrification using first-principle theory of nanogenerator.
    Abbas, Z., Prasanna, A. P. S., Anithkumar, M., Bincy, T. S.,Hussain, N., Kim, S-J., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  8. Nano Energy,, 2024,000,Accepted.

  9. A π-d Conjugated Metal-Organic Framework Decorated on MXene-Carbon Nanofiber as a Self-Standing Electrode for Flexible Supercapacitors.
    Abbas, Z., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  10. J. Mater. Chem. A,, 2024,000,Accepted.

  11. Two-Dimensional Porphyrin-Based CovalentOrganic Frameworks/g-C3N4 Composites as High-Performance Supercapacitor.
    Deka, R., Prakash, K., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  12. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,, 2024,000,Accepted.

  13. Crumpled Fibrous 2D-Graphdiyne Network Decorated Metal-Organic Framework: A Promising Heterostructure for Improved Energy Storage Performance.
    Abbas, Z., Hussain, N., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  14. J. Mater. Chem. A,, 2024,12,20170-20178.

  15. Recyclable copper catalyst supported over ceria for acceptorless dehydrogenative synthesis of quinolines.
    Parsai, P., Choudhary, N., Sahu, R. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  16. Chem. Asian J.,, 2024,000,Accepted.

  17. Blazing Carbon Dots: Unfolding its Luminescence Mechanism to Photoinduced Biomedical Applications.
    Mate, N., Satvani, V., Pranav, and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  18. Chem. Asian J.,, 2024,000,Accepted. (Invited Review by the Editor for Special Collection Luminescent Materials: From Fundamentals to Applications )

  19. Insight into a unique AuH-X (X = N, C and O) bonding interaction.
    Verma, S. K., Zainab, Z., Kumar, P., Tauqeer, M., Ansari, S. N., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  20. Cryst Growth @ Des.,, 2024,24,20,,8354-8369. (Invited Review by the Editor for Special Collection on Honorinng Prof. J. J. Vittal)

  21. Free-standing Metal-organic Frameworks on Electrospun Core-shell Graphene Nanofibers for Flexible Hybrid Supercapacitors.
    Abbas, Z., Hussain, N., Kallayi, N., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  22. J. Mater. Chem. A,, 2024,12,17642-17650.

  23. A Review on Covalent Organic Frameworks: Exploration of Their Growing Potential as Porous Materials in Photocatalytic Applications.
    Prakash, K., Deka, R., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  24. Inorg. Chem. Frontiers,, 2024,11,6711-6752.

  25. Precisely designed cobalt single atom on ZrO 2 support for chemical CO2 fixation.
    Choudhary, N., Jiang, S., Pham, H., Gotluru, K., Datye, A., Miller, J. T., Tyagi, A. K., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  26. Appl. Cat. B-Environmental,, 2024,344,123627.

  27. 3d Transition Metal-Based Single-Atom Catalyst as an Emerging Field for Environmentally Benign Organic Transformation Reactions.
    Choudhary, N., Parsai, P. , and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  28. Molecular Catalysis,, 2024,565,114360.

  29. In-situ Growth of Redox-active Metal-Organic Framework on Electrospun Carbon Nanofiber as a Free-Standing Electrode for Flexible Energy Storage Devices.
    Abbas, Z., Hussain, N., Kumar, S., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  30. Nanoscale,, 2024,16,868-878.

  31. Recent Advancements in CO2 Hydrogenation to Methane using Single Atom Catalysts.
    Choudhary, N., Kallayi, N., Mate, N., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  32. RSC Sustain.,, 2024,2,1179-1201 (Invited Review by the Editor and part of RSC Theme Collection on CO2 Conversion).

  33. Highlights in Interface of Wastewater Treatment by utilizing Metal Organic Frameworks: A Purification and Adsorption Kinetics.
    Kumar, P., Abbas, Z., Kumar, P., Das, D., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  34. Langmuir,, 2024,40,10,5040-5059 (Invited Review by the Editor).


  35. Triboelectric Nanogenerators Enhanced by Metal-Organic Framework for Sustainable Power Generation and Air Mouse Technology.
    Abbas, Z., Anithkumar, M., Prasanna, APS., Hussain, N., Kim, S-J., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  36. J. Mater. Chem. A,, 2023,11,26531-26542.

  37. Gelatin-coated Copper based Metal-Organic Framework for Controlled Insulin Delivery: Possibility towards oral delivery system.
    Kumar, P., Kaur, N., Tiwari, P., Gupta, A., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  38. ACS Mat Lett.,, 2023,5,4,1100-1108.

  39. Portable and non-invasive fluorescent thin films from photocatalytically active carbon dots for selective and trace level detection of picric acid.
    Mate, N., Khandelwal, D., Kallayi, N., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  40. J. Mater. Chem. C,, 2023,11,16201-16213.

  41. Exploring the Antimicrobial Potential of Isoniazid Loaded Cu-based Metal-Organic Framework as a Novel Strategy for Effective Killing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
    Kumar, P., Behera, A., Tiwari, P., Karthik, S., Biswas, M., Sonawane, A., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  42. J. Mater. Chem. B,, 2023,11,10929-10940.

  43. Heterostructures of MXenes and Transition Metal Oxides for Supercapacitors: An Overview.
    Ansari, N. S., Saraf, M., Abbas, Z. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  44. Nanoscale, 2023,15,13546-13560 (Invited Review by the Nanoscale Editor)

  45. MOF-on-MOF robust heterostructures as an efficient cathode candidate for next-generation supercapacitor.
    Deka, R., Kumar, V., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  46. Mater. Adv., 2023,4,6627-6637.

  47. Upcycling Rust and Plastic Waste into Fe-MOF for Effective Energy Storage Application: Transformation of Trash to Treasure.
    Deka, R., Mal, D. D., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  48. Dalton Trans., 2023,52,8204-8210.

  49. Phosphorization Engineering on MOF Derived Metal Phosphides Heterostructure (Cu/Cu3P@NC) as an Electrode for Enhanced Supercapacitor Performance.
    Hussain, N.; Abbas, Z.; Ansari, S. N.; Kedarnath, G.; and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  50. Inorg. Chem., 2023,62,42,17083-17092.

  51. Cu-Metal Organic Framework Derived Multilevel Hierarchy (Cu/CuxO@NC) as a Bifunctional Electrode for High-performance Supercapacitors and Oxygen Evolution Reaction.
    Abbas, Z., Hussain, N., Ahmed, I., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  52. Inorg. Chem., 2023,62,23,8835-8845.

  53. Effect of electrolytic cations on 3D Cd-MOF for supercapacitive electrode.
    Deka, R., Rajak, R., Kumar, V., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  54. Inorg. Chem., 2023,62,7,3084-3094.

  55. Multifaceted carbon dots: Towards pH-responsive delivery of 5-fluorouracil for in vitro antiproliferative activity.
    Kaur, N., Tiwari, P., Kumar, P., Biswas, M., Sonawane, A. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  56. ACS Appl. Bio. Mater. , 2023,6,7,2760-2770.

  57. Covalent Organic Frameworks (COFs)/MXenes Heterostructures for Electrochemical Energy Storage.
    Kallayi, N., Deka, R., Abbas, Z., Kumar, P., Saraf, M. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  58. Cryst. Growth & Des , 2023,23,5,3057-3078.(Invited Perspective by the Cryst. Growth & Des. Editor).

  59. Exploring the Feasibility of a Two-Dimensional Layered Cobalt-Based Coordination Polymer for Supercapacitor Applications: Effect of Electrolytic Cations.
    Deka, R., Rathi, S., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  60. Energy Adv., 2023,000,Accepted.

  61. Improved photovoltaic performance of Pb-free AgBi2I7 based photovoltaics.
    Kumar, P., Ahmed, K., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  62. Nanoscale Adv., 2023,5,1624-1630.

  63. Insights on effect of different electrolytes on electrochemical performance of CoNi nanoflower based supercapacitor.
    Chaudhary, N., Hussain, N., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  64. Energy Technol., 2023,000,Accepted.


  65. Doxycycline detection and degradation in aqueous media via simultaneous synthesis of Fe-N@Carbon dots and Fe3O4-Carbon dot hybrid nanoparticles: One arrow two hawk approach.
    Kaur, N., Tiwari, P., Abbas, Z., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  66. J. Mater. Chem. B., 2022,000,Accepted.

  67. CuNi Bimetallic Nanocatalyst Enables Sustainable Direct Carboxylation Reactions.
    Chaudhary, N., Abdelgaid, M., Mpourmpakis, G., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  68. Mol. Catal.,, 2022,000,Accepted.

  69. Gelatin-Assisted Co-exfoliation of Graphene nanoplatelets/MoS2 for High-Performance Supercapacitors.
    Abbas, Z., Tiwari, P., Kumar, V., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  70. Sustainable Energy Fuels,, 2022,000,Accepted.

  71. Recent development of morphology-controlled hybrid nanomaterials for triboelectric nanogenerator: A Review.
    Kumar, V., Kumar, P., Deka, R., Abbas, Z., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  72. The Chemical Record,, 2022,000,Accepted.

  73. Two-dimensional layered nickel-based coordination polymer for supercapacitive performance.
    Deka, R., Kumar, V., Rajak, R., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  74. Sustainable Energy Fuels,, 2022,6,3014-3024.

  75. Insight into modulation of Carbon dot optical sensing attributes through reduction pathway.
    Mate,N., Pranav, Kallayi, N., Kaur, N. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  76. ACS Omega , 2022,000,Accepted.

  77. Conversion of Biomass-Derived Aldehydes using Environmentally Benign CuNi nanocatalyst
    Choudhary, N.; and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  78. Asian J. Org. , 2022,000,Accepted.

  79. Photoactivatable carbon dots as label free fluorescent probe for picric acid detection and for light induced bacterial inactivation.
    Kaur, N., Tiwari, P., Mate, N., Sharma, V. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  80. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B, 2022,229,112412.

  81. Optoelectronic and photovoltaic properties of (NH4)3Bi2I9 : A perovskite-like energy material for Pb free perovskite solar cells.
    Ahmad, K., Kumar, P., Kim, H. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  82. ChemNanoMat, 2022,000,Accepted.

  83. A highly active nitrogen doped mixed phase mixed valence cobalt nanocatalyst for olefins and nitroarenes hydrogenation.
    Ghosh, T., Gotluru, K., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  84. Chem.Select, 2022,000,Accepted.

  85. Bimetallic CoNi nanoflowers for catalytic transfer hydrogenation of terminal alkynes.
    Choudhary, N., Kumar, V., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  86. Chem.Select, 2022,000,Accepted.


  87. Nitrogen Doped Mixed Phase Cobalt Nanocatalyst Derived from Trinuclear Mixed Valence Co(III)/Co(II) Complex for High Performance Oxygen Evolution Reactions.
    Ghosh, T., Natarajan, K., Kumar, P. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  88. Inorg. Chem., 2021,60,4,2333-2346.

  89. Progress and Perspectives on Covalent Organic Frameworks (COFs) and Composites for Various Energy Applications.
    Kumar, R., Ansari, S. N., Kumar, P., Deka, R., Saraf, M. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  90. Chem. Eur. J., 2021,000Accepted.(Invited Review for Special Virtual Issue on MOF2020WEB under Chemistry Europe)

  91. Construction of Cu-based Metal-Organic Framework by Employing Mixed Ligand Strategy and Its Facile Conversion into Nano Fibrous CuO for Electrochemical Energy Storage Applications.
    Rajak, R., Saraf, M., Kumar, P., Natarajan, K., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  92. Inorg. Chem., 2021,000,Accepted.

  93. Two-Step Deposition Approach for Lead Free (NH4)3Sb2I9 Perovskite Solar Cells with enhanced Open Circuit Voltage and Performance.
    Kumar, P., Ahmed, K., Dagar, J., Unger E., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  94. ChemElectroChem., 2021,0000,Accepted.

  95. Copper mediated chemo-and stereoselective cyanation reactions.
    Chandra, P.; Choudhary, N.; Maiti, D.; Lahiri, G. K. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  96. Asian J. Org. , 2021,000,Accepted.

  97. Optical nanosensors based on fluorescent carbon dots for the detection of water contaminants: a review.
    Sharma, V., Tiwari, P., Kaur, N. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  98. Environ. Chem. Lett., , 2021,000,Accepted.(Invited Review)

  99. Sn(IV) inserted lead free perovskite materials (MA3(Bi1-xSnx)2I9) as light absorbers: Band gap engineering and enhanced photovoltaic performance
    Ahmad, K., Kumar, P., Shrivastava, P. and Shaikh M. Mobin
  100. Energy Technol., 2021,000(3),Accepted.

  101. Cubane Ru4(CO)8 cluster containing 4 pyridine-methanol ligands as a highly efficient photoelectrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction from water
    Singh, A., Chaudhary, N., Mathur, P. and Shaikh M. Mobin
  102. J. Organomet. Chem., 2021,000(3),Accepted.

  103. Design and fabrication of cost effective and sensitive non-enzymatic hydrogen peroxide sensor using Co-doped δ-MnO2 flowers as electrode modifier
    Ahmed, K., and Shaikh M. Mobin
  104. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2021,413(3),789-798.


  105. Recent Advancement in Oxidation or Acceptorless Dehydrogenation of Alcohols to Valorised Products using Manganese Based Catalysts.
    Chandra, P., Ghosh, T., Choudhary, N., Mohammad, A. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  106. Coord. Chem. Rev., 2020,411,213241.(Invited Article for a Special Issue: Celebrating 60th Birthday of Prof. Goutam K. Lahiri, IIT Bombay )

  107. Recent highlights and future prospects onmixed-metal MOFs as emerging supercapacitor candidates.
    Rajak, R., Kumar, R., Ansari, S. N., Saraf, M. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  108. Dalton Trans., 2020,49,11792 - 11818.(Invited Perspective from Dalton Trans. Editor)

  109. Metal-Organic Framework based Antibiotic Release and Antimicrobial Response: An Overview.
    Kaur, N., Tiwari, P., Kapoor, K. S., Saini, A. K., Sharma, V. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  110. CrystEnggCommun., 2020,22,7513-7527.(Invited Perspective from CrystEnggCommun Editor)

  111. Recent Progress and Challenges in A3Sb2X9 Based Perovskite Solar Cells.
    Ahmad, K. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  112. ACS Omega, 2020,5, 44,28404–28412.(Mini Review: Invited Article from ACS Omega Editor)

  113. Inorganic Pb‐Free Perovskite Light Absorbers for Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells with Enhanced Performance.
    Ahmad, K., Kumar, P., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  114. Chem. Asian. J.(Communication), 2020,15(8),2859-2863.

  115. Ketone hydrogenation by using ZnO-Cu(OH)Cl/MCM-41 with a splash of water: an environmentally benign approach.
    Choudhary, N., Ghosh, T., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  116. Chem. Asian. J., 2020,15(8),1339-1348.(Invited Article as a Special Collection: 2nd International Conference on Organometallics and Catalysis (ICOC)-2020 )

  117. Mixed-Ligand Architected Unique Topological Heterometallic Sodium/Cobalt-Based MetalOrganic Framework for High-Performance Supercapacitors.
    Rajak, R., Saraf, M. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  118. Inorg. Chem., 2020,59,1642-1652.

  119. Nanostructured δ-MnO2/Cd(OH)2 Heterojunction Constructed under Ambient Conditions as a Sustainable Cathode for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production.
    Natarajan, K., Saraf, M., Gupta, A. K. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  120. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2020,59,16, 7584-7593.

  121. A Two-Step Modified Sequential Deposition Method based Pb Free (CH3NH3)3Sb2I9 Perovskite with Improved Open Circuit Voltage and Performance.
    Ahmed, K., Kumar, P. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  122. ChemElectroChem., 2020,7,946-950.

  123. A highly sensitive and selective hydroquinone sensor based on a newly designed N-rGO/SrZrO3 composite.
    Ahmed, K. Kumar, P. and Shaikh M. Mobin
  124. Nanoscale Adv., 2020,2,502-511.

  125. The Borderline: Exploring the Structural Landscape of Triptycene in Cocrystallization with Ferrocene.
    Singh, A., Torubaev, Y., Ansari, S. N., Singh, S.K., and Mathur, P., Shaikh M. Mobin
  126. CrystEnggCommun., 2020,22,1314-1320.

  127. Hydrothermally grown novel pyramids of CaTiO3 perovskite as efficient electrode modifier for sensing applications
    Ahmed, K., Kumar, P. and Shaikh M. Mobin
  128. Mater. Adv., 2020,1,2003-2009.

  129. A spectroscopic investigation of Carbon dots and its reduced state towards fluorescence performance
    Tiwari, P., Kaur, N., Sharma, V and Shaikh M. Mobin
  130. J. Photochem. Photobiol. A, 2020,403,112847.

  131. Design and synthesis of silver decorated Fe3O4 @ Fe doped CeO2 core @ shell ternary composite as highly efficient nanocatalyst for selective oxidation of alkenes
    Ghosh, T., Choudhary, N. and Shaikh M. Mobin
  132. ChemistrySelect, 2020,5,9601-9606.


  133. Mixed-ligand Architected 2D Co(II) MOF Expressing Novel Topology as an Efficient Photoanode for Water Oxidation Using Visible Light
    Natarajan, K., Gupta, A., Ansari, S. N., Saraf, M. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  134. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019,11,13295-13303.

  135. Robust heterostructure of bimetallic sodium–zinc metal–organic framework and reduced graphene oxide for high–performance supercapacitors
    Rajak. R., Saraf, M. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  136. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019,7,1725-1736.

  137. A facile two-photon fluorescent probe: Endoplasmic Reticulum tracker, monitoring ER stress and vesicular transport to lysosomes
    Kumari. P., Verma, S. K. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  138. Chem. Commun., 2019,55,294-297.

  139. Click Reaction Driven Highly Fluorescent Dinuclear Organo-gold(I) Complex Exhibit Dual Role: A Rare Au∙∙∙H Interactions and as Anti-proliferative Agent
    Verma, S. K., Ansari, S. N., Kumari. P., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  140. Organometallics, 2019,13,2591-2596.

  141. Dy(III)-Based MetalOrganic Framework as a Fluorescent Probe for Highly Selective Detection of Picric Acid in Aqueous Medium
    Rajak, R., Saraf, M., Verma. S. K., Kumar, R., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  142. Inorg. Chem., 2019,58,23,16065-16074.

  143. Catalytic CO2 Fixation over a Robust Lactam-Functionalized Cu(II) Metal Organic Framework
    Ansari, S. N., Kumar, P., Gupta. A. K., Mathur, P., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  144. Inorg. Chem., 2019,58,15,9723-9732.

  145. Dual Functionalized CuMOF based Composite for High-Performance Supercapacitor
    Gupta. A. K., Saraf, M., Bharadwaj, P. K., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  146. Inorg. Chem., 2019,58,15,9844-9854.

  147. Sustainable Graphene Production: New insights into Cannabis Sativa Engineered Carbon Dots based Exfoliating agent for Facile Production of Graphene
    Tiwari, P., Sharma, V., Kaur, N, Ahmed, K. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  148. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2019,7,13,11500-11510.

  149. Hybrid Cobalt Doped Cerium Oxide as a Multifunctional Nanocatalyst for Various Organic Transformations
    Ghosh, T., Mohammed, A., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  150. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2019,7,16,13746-13763.

  151. Design and Synthesis of a New Facile Ligand in a Dual Role: Mechanically Elastic Crystal and Selective Mitochondria Target
    Kumari, P.,Verma, S. K., Natarajan, K., Ansari, S. N., Saini, A. K., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  152. Cryst. Growth & Des. , 2019,1910,5483-5490.(Invited Article for a Virtual Special Issue: Structure Property Relationship in Crystalline Solids)

  153. An Imidazole Derivative Based Chemodosimeter for Zn2+ and Cu2+ ions through "On-Off-On" Switching with Intracellular Zn2+ Detection
    Ansari, S. N., Saini, A. K., Kumari, P. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  154. Inorg. Chem. Front. , 2019,6,736-745.

  155. Functionalized Cu-MOF@CNT Hybrid: Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Applicability in Supercapacitors
    Ansari, S. N., Saraf, M., Gupta, A. K. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  156. Chem. Asian J. , 2019,000,Accepted.(Invited Article for a Special Issue: Metal-Organic Frameworks and Their Applications)

  157. Vigna radiata" based green C-dots: photo-triggered theranostics, highly selective and sensitive fluorescent sensor for extracellular and intracellular iron (III) and multicolor live cell imaging probe
    Kaur, N., Sharma, V., Tiwari, P. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  158. Sens Actuators B Chem., 2019,291,275-286.

  159. A Two-Step Modified Deposition Method Based (CH3NH3)3Bi2I9 Perovskite: Lead Free, Highly Stable and Enhanced Photovoltaic Performance
    Ahmad. K., Ansari, S. N., Natarajan, K. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  160. ChemElectroChem., 2019,6,1-8.

  161. Organic-Inorganic Copper (II) Based Perovskites: A Benign Approach towards LowToxic and Water Stable Light Absorbers for Photovoltaic Applications
    Ahmad. K. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  162. Energy Technol., 2020,8,1901185.

  163. Cannabis Sativa derived carbon dots with N-S co-doped: highly efficient nanosensors for temperature and vitamin B12
    Tiwari, P., Kaur, N, Sharma, V., Kang, H., Uddin, J. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  164. New J. Chem., 2019,43.,17058-17068.

  165. Hydrothermally grown SnO2 flowers as efficient electrode modifier for simultaneous detection of catechol and hydroquinone.
    Ahmed, K., Praveen Kumar and Shaikh M. Mobin
  166. J. Electrochem. Soc , 2019,166,B1577.

  167. Catalytic Application of Tactically Aligned Cd(II) Based Luminescent 3D- Supramolecular Networks.
    Rajak, R., Mohammad, A., Chandra, P. and Shaikh M. Mobin
  168. ChemistrySelect , 2019,4,7162-7172.

  169. High surface area 3D-MgO flowers as the modifier for working electrode for efficient detection of 4-chlorophenol.
    Ahmed, K. and Shaikh M. Mobin
  170. Nanoscale Advances , 2019,1,719-727.

  171. Bioinspired carbon dots: From Rose petals to tunable emissive nanodots.
    Sharma, V., Singh, S. K. and Shaikh M. Mobin
  172. Nanoscale Advances , 2019,1,1290-1296.

  173. Construction of Polyanilne/ITO Electrode for Electrochemical Sensor Applications.
    Ahmad, K. and Shaikh M. Mobin
  174. Mater. Res. Express , 2019,6,085508.

  175. MOF Derived High Surface Area Enabled Porous Co3O4 Nanoparticles for Supercapacitors.
    Saraf, M., Rajak, R. and Shaikh M. Mobin
  176. ChemistrySelect , 2019,4,8142-8149.

  177. Design and Construction of Aroyl-Hydrazone Derivatives: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Molecular Docking and Their Biological Activities.
    Kumari, P., Ansari, S. N., Kumar, R., Saini, A. K. and Shaikh M. Mobin
  178. Chem. Biodiversity, 2019,16,1900315.

  179. Electrochemical energy storage properties of solvothermally driven ZnFe2O4 microspheres.
    Saraf, M., Natarajan, K., Gupta, A. K.; Kumar, P.; Rajak, R.; and Shaikh M. Mobin
  180. Mater. Res. Express , 2019,6,095534.

  181. Shape controlled synthesis of high surface area MgO microstructures for highly efficient congo red dye removal and peroxide sensor.
    Ahmed, K. and Shaikh M. Mobin
  182. J. Environ. Chem. Eng. , 2019,000,Accepted.


  183. An Emerging Robust Heterostructure of MoS2-rGO For High Performance Supercapacitors
    Saraf. M., Natarajan, K. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  184. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces., 2018,10,16588-16595.

  185. Water soluble two-photon fluorescent organic probe for long-term imaging of lysosomes in live cells and tumor spheroids
    Kumari. P., Verma, S. K. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  186. Chem. Commun., 2018,54,539-542.

  187. Benign approach for methyl-esterification of oxygenated organic compounds using TBHP as methylating and oxidizing agent
    Ghosh. T., Chandra, P., Mohammed, A. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  188. Appl. Catal. B: Environmental , 2018,226,278-288.

  189. Visible light driven water splitting through an innovative Cu-treated-d-MnO2 nanostructure: probing enhanced activity and mechanistic insights
    Natarajan, K., Saraf. M. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  190. Nanoscale, 2018,10,13250-13260.

  191. Multifunctional fluorescent “Off-On-Off” nanosensor for Au3+ and S2− employing N-S co-doped carbon–dots
    Sharma, V.,Kaur, N., Tiwari, P. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  192. Carbon, 2018,139,393-403.

  193. A Robust Nanocomposite of Nitrogen Doped Reduced graphene Oxide and MnO2 Nanorods for High Performance Supercapacitors and Non-enzymatic Peroxide Sensors
    Saraf. M., Natarajan, K. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  194. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2018,6,10489-10504.

  195. A novel mesoionic carbene based highly fluorescent Pd(II) complex as an endoplasmic reticulum tracker in live cells
    Verma. S. K., Kumari, P., Ansari, S. N. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  196. Dalton Trans.(Communication), 2018,47,15646-15650.

  197. High yield graphene production arising from synergistic effect of inflated temperature and gelatin offers higher stability and cellular compatibility
    Tiwari, P., Kaur, N., Sharma, V., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  198. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 2018,20,20096-20107.

  199. Design and Synthesis of 1D-Polymeric Chain Based [(CH3NH3)3Bi2Cl9]n Perovskite: A New Light Absorber Material for Lead Free Perovskite Solar Cells
    Ahmad. K., Ansari, S. N., Natarajan, K. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  200. ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 2018,1,2405-2409.

  201. Vacuum Mediated Single-Crystal-to-Single-Crystal (SCSC) Trans-formation in Na-MOFs: Rare to Novel Topology and Activation of Nitrogen in Triazole Moieties
    Ansari. S., Verma, S. K., Garin, A. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  202. Cryst. Growth & Des., 2018,18,1287-1292.

  203. Zinc oxide-graphitic carbon nitride nanohybrid as an efficient electrochemical sensor and photocatalyst.
    Mohammad, A., Ahmad, K., Qureshi, A., Tauqeere, M. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  204. Sens Actuators B Chem, 2018,277, 467-476.

  205. Preparation of Ru3(CO)8-pyridine-alcohol cluster and its use for selective catalytic transformation of primary to secondary amines
    Singh. A., Shaikh M. Mobin and Mathur, P.
  206. Dalton Trans., 2018,47,14033-14040.

  207. Full color emitting fluorescent carbon material as reversible pH sensor with multicolor live cell imaging
    Sharma, V., Kaur, N., Tiwari, P. and Shaikh M. Mobin
  208. J Photochem Photobiol B., 2018,182,137-145.

  209. A highly selective and sensitive chemosensor for L−tryptophan by employing Schiff based Cu(II) complex
    Saini, A., Saraf, M., Kumari, P. and Shaikh M. Mobin
  210. New J. Chem., 2018,42,3509-3518.

  211. Facile oxidation of alcohols to carboxylic acids in basic water medium by employing ruthenium picolinate cluster as an efficient catalyst.
    Singh, A., Singh, S., Saini, A. K., Shaikh M. Mobin and Mathur, P.
  212. Appl. Organomet. Chem., 2018,000,Accepted.

  213. Enthralling Adsorption of Different Dye and Metal Contaminants from Aqueous Systems by Cobalt/cobalt Oxide Nanocomposites Derived from Single-source Molecular Precursors
    Mohammed, A., Ansari, S. N., Choudhary, A., Ahmed, K., Rajak, R. and Shaikh M. Mobin
  214. ChemistrySelect, 2018,000,Accepted.

  215. Facile synthesis of phase pure ZnAl2O4 nanoparticles for effective photocatalytic degradation of organic dyes
    Choudhary, A., Mohammed, A. and Shaikh M. Mobin
  216. Mater. Sci. Eng., B., 2018,227,136-144.

  217. Construction of graphene oxide sheets based modified glassy carbon electrode (GO/GCE) for the highly sensitive detection of nitrobenzene
    Ahmad, K., Mohammed, A., Ansari, S. N. and Shaikh M. Mobin
  218. Mater. Res. Express , 2018,Accepted,000.


  219. A new multitalented azine ligand: elastic bending, single-crystal-to-single-crystal transformation and a fluorescence turn–on Al(III) sensor
    Saini, A. K., Natarajan, K. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  220. Chem. Commun., 2017,53,9870-9873.

  221. Facile Access to Amides from Oxygenated or Unsaturated Organic Compounds by Metal Oxides Nanocatalysts Derived from Single-source Molecular Precursors.
    Mohammed, A., Chandra, P., Ghosh, T., Carraro, M. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  222. Inorg. Chem., 2017,56,10596-10608.

  223. Design and construction of ferrocene based inclined polycatenated Co-MOF for supercapacitor and dye adsorption applications.
    Rajak, R., Saraf, M., Mohammed, A. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  224. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017,5,17998-18011.

  225. Sustainable carbon-dots: Recent advances in green carbon dots for sensing and bioimaging
    Sharma, V., Tiwari, P. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  226. J. Mater. Chem. B., 2017,58904-8924. (Invited Review by the Journal)

  227. Recent Advances in Single-Crystal-to-Single-Crystal Transformation at the Discrete Molecular Level.
    Choudhary, A., Mohammed, A. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  228. Cryst. Growth & Des., 2017,17,2893-2910.

  229. Small biomolecules sensor based on an innovative MoS2-rGO heterostructure modified electrode platform: A binder-free approach.
    Saraf, M., Natarajan, K., Saini, A. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  230. Dalton Trans., 2017,46,15848-15858.

  231. Visible Light Induced Water Splitting Based On A Novel -Fe2O3/CdS Heterostructure.
    Natarajan, K., Saraf, M. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  232. ACS Omega, 2017,2,3447-3456.

  233. Hydrothermally grown α-MnO2 nanorods as highly efficient low cost counter-electrode material for dye-sensitized solar cells and electrochemical sensing applications.
    Ahmed, K., Mohammed, A. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  234. Electrochim. Acta, 2017,252,549-557.

  235. Graphene oxide based planar heterojunction perovskite solar cell under ambient condition.
    Ahmed, K.and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  236. New J. Chem., 2017,41,14253 - 14258.

  237. Multifunctional porous NiCo2O4 nanorods: sensitive enzymeless glucose detection and supercapacitor properties with impedance spectroscopic investigations.
    Saraf, M., Natarajan, K. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  238. New J. Chem., 2017,41,9299-9313.

  239. Microwave assisted fabrication of nanostructured reduced graphene oxide (rGO)/Fe2O3 composite as a promising next generation energy storage material.
    Saraf, M., Natarajan, K.; Shaikh M. Mobin.
  240. RSC Adv., 2017,7, 309-317.

  241. Cytocompatible peroxidase mimic CuO:graphene nanosphere composite as colorimetric dual sensor for hydrogen peroxide and cholesterol with its logic gate implementation.
    Sharma, V. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  242. Sens Actuators B Chem, 2017,240, 338-348.

  243. Binder Free Modification of Glassy Carbon Electrode by Employing Reduced Graphene Oxide/ZnO Composite for Voltammetric Determination of Certain Nitroaromatics
    Mohammed, A., Ahmad, K., Rajak, R. and Shaikh M. Mobin
  244. Electroanalysis, 2017,000,Accepted.

  245. Ferrocene-substituted bis(ethynyl)-anthracene compounds as anticancer agents.
    Singh, A., Kumari, P., Raghuvanshi, A., Shaikh M. Mobin and Mathur, P.
  246. Appl. Organomet. Chem., 2017,000,Accepted.


  247. The development of fluorescence turn-on probe for Al(III) sensing and live cell nucleus-nucleoli staining.
    Saini, A. K., Sharma, V., Mathur, P. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  248. Scientific Reports, 2016,6,34807.

  249. A fascinating multitasking Cu-MOF/rGO hybrid for high performance supercapacitor and highly sensitive and selective electrochemical nitrite sensor.
    Saraf, M., Rajak, R., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  250. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016,4, 16432-16445.

  251. Varying structural motifs in salen based metal complexes of Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II): synthesis, crystal structures, molecular dynamics and biological activity.
    Saini, A. K., Kumari, P., Sharma, V., Mathur, P.; Shaikh M. Mobin.
  252. Dalton Trans., 2016,45, 19096-19108.

  253. Preparation of SrTiO3 Perovskite Decorated rGO and Electrochemical Detection of Nitroaromatics.
    Ahmad, K., Mohammad, A., Mathur, P., Shaikh M. Mobin.
  254. Electrochim. Acta, 2016,215,435-446.

  255. Improved Photocatalytic Degradation of Organic Dyes by ZnO-Nanoflowers.
    Mohammad, A., Kapoor, K., Shaikh M. Mobin.
  256. ChemistrySelect, 2016,1, 3483.

  257. A Binder-Free Hybrid of CuO-Microspheres and rGO Nanosheets as an Alternative Material for Next Generation Energy Storage Application.
    Saraf, M., Dar, R. A., Natarajan, K.; Srivastava, A. K., Shaikh M. Mobin.
  258. ChemistrySelect, 2016,1, 2826.

  259. Reduction of selective polyaromatic nitrotriptycene via azoxytriptycene intermediate under ambient conditions using cobalt/cobalt oxide nanocomposite (CoNC).
    Mohammad, A., Mishra, V; Chandra, P., Shaikh M. Mobin.
  260. RSC Adv, 2016,6, 60602

  261. Anthracene Derived Dinuclear gold(I) Diacetylide Complexes: Synthesis, Photophysical Properties and Supramolecular Interaction.
    Mishra, V., Raghuvanshi, A., Saini, A. K., Shaikh M. Mobin.
  262. J. Organomet. Chem., 2016,813, 103.

  263. Multicolour fluorescent carbon nanoparticle probes for live cell imaging cum dual palladium and mercury sensor.
    Sharma, V., Saini, A. K. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  264. J. Mater. Chem. B., 2016,4, 2466.

    (This article is part of the themed collection: 2016 Journal of Materials Chemistry B Most Accessed Manuscripts)

  265. Non-enzymatic amperometric sensing of glucose by employing sucrose templated microspheres of copper oxide (CuO).
    Saraf, M., Natarajan, K. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
  266. Dalton Trans., 2016,45, 5833.

  267. Highly selective, sensitive and reversible fluorescence chemosensor for Zn2+ and its cell viability.
    Saini, A. K., Srivastava, M., Sharma, V, Mishra,V., Shaikh M. Mobin.
  268. Dalton Trans., 2016,45, 3927.

  269. Fabrication of innovative ZnO nanoflowers showing drastic biological activity.
    Sharma, V., Mohammed, A., Mishra,V., Chaudhary, A., Kapoor, K., Shaikh M. Mobin.
  270. New J. Chem., 2016,40,2145-2155.

  271. A series of new heteroleptic Hg(II) complexes: Synthesis, crystal structures and photophysical properties.
    Shaikh M. Mobin, Saini, A. K., Mishra, V.; and Choudhary, A..
  272. Polyhedron, 2016,110, 131-141

  273. Invited Article for Special Issue on “Emerging Leaders of Coordination Chemistry (J. Coord. Chem. Emerging Leaders Issue-2016)”: Thiophene-Containing Thiolato Dimers, Oxygen inserted Cu(II) Complex, Crystal Structures, Molecular Docking and Theoretical Studies
    Shaikh M. Mobin, Mohd, T., Mohammad, A., Mishra, V. and Kumari, P.
  274. J. Coord. Chem. , 2016,69,2015-2023.

  275. Invited article for Special issue: On Emerging Investigators in Materials Science, 2015-2016”: Construction of TiO2 nanosheets modified glassy carbon electrode (GCE/TiO2) for the detection of hydrazine
    Ahmad, K., Mohammad, A., Rajak, R., and Shaikh M. Mobin
  276. Mater. Res. Express , 2016,000, Accepted.


  277. Isolation of meta-stable Intermediate in Hetero-metallic Cu(II) and Hg(II) 1D Polymeric Chain : Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Photophysical Properties.
    Shaikh M. Mobin, Mishra,V., Chaudhary, A.
  278. Inorg. Chem., 2015,54, 1293

  279. Varying coordination modes of amide ligand in group 12 Hg(II) and Cd(II) complexes: synthesis, crystal structure and nonlinear optical properties
    Shaikh M. Mobin, Veenu Mishra, Dhirendra K. Rai, Krithika Dota, Aditya K. Dharmadhikari, Jayashree A. Dharmadhikari, Deepak Mathur and Pradeep Mathur
  280. Dalton Trans., 2015, 44, 1933


  281. Retention of single crystals of two Co(II) complexes during chemical reactions and rearrangement
    Shaikh M. Mobin, Mohammad, A.
  282. Dalton Trans., 2014, 43, 13032

  283. Acid-Driven Dimensionality Control of Cd(II) Complexes: From Discrete Double Open Cubane to One- and Three-Dimensional Networks
    Shaikh M. Mobin, Mishra, V., Chaudhary, A., Rai, D. K., Golav, A. A., Mathur, P.
  284. Cryst Growth Des., 2014, 14, 4124


  285. Formation of a 1D-polymeric chain of Hg building blocks through C-C coupling under ambient conditions
    Shaikh M. Mobin, Mishra, V., Ram, P., Birla, A., Mathur, P.
  286. Dalton Trans., 2013, 42, 10687


  287. Bis [ (2-(2-hydroxymethyl)pyridine-\k^2^ N, O](pivalate- \k O^1^) Copper (II)
    Shaikh M. Mobin, Mishra, V., Ram, P., Birla, A.
  288. Acta Cryst. Sec. E., 2012, E68, m1055.

    Book Chapters

  289. "All-carbon composites and hybrids" (2021) Just Accepted by Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), Chapter: One dimensional carbon nanotube decorated two dimensional reduced graphene oxide composite: insight from synthesis to application in dye sensitized solar cells. Authours: Khursheed Ahmed and Shaikh M. Mobin
  290. "Nanomaterials via Single-Source Precursors: Synthesis, Processing and Applications" (2021) Just Accepted by Elsevier, Chapter: Synthesis and Applications of 3d Transition Metal Based Chalcogens Single source precursors. Authours: Prakash Chandra and Shaikh M. Mobin
  291. "Hybrid Perovskite Composite Materials" (2021) by Elsevier, Chapter: Low-cost organic-inorganic metal halide perovskite solar cells with enhanced stability. Authours: Khursheed Ahmed and Shaikh M. Mobin
  292. "Nanosensors for Environmental Applications" (2020) by Springer Cham, Chapter: Carbon Nanolights as Optical Nanosensors for Water Contaminants. Authours: Vinay Sharma, Pranav Tiwari and Shaikh M. Mobin
  293. "Handbook of Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites for Energy and Environmental Applications" (2020) by Springer Cham, Chapter: Recent Progress in All-Inorganic Hybrid Materials for Energy Conversion Applications. Authours: Khursheed Ahmed, Praveen Kumar and Shaikh M. Mobin
  294. "Handbook of Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites for Energy and Environmental Applications" (2020) by Springer Cham, Chapter: Lead-Free Perovskite Solar Cells Fundamentals, Fabrication, and Future Prospective. Authours: Khursheed Ahmed and Shaikh M. Mobin
  295. "Handbook of Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites for Energy and Environmental Applications" (2020) by Springer Cham, Chapter: Advanced Functional Nanomaterials for Explosive Sensors. Authours: Khursheed Ahmed and Shaikh M. Mobin
  296. "Handbook of Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites for Energy and Environmental Applications" (2020) by Springer Cham, Chapter: Perovskite Materials in Photovoltaics. Authours: Khursheed Ahmed and Shaikh M. Mobin
  297. "Hand Book of Ecomaterial" (2019) by Springer Nature, Chapter: Metal organic frameworks (MOFs) composited with nanomaterials for next generation supercapacitive energy storage devices. Authours: Mohit Saraf and Shaikh M. Mobin
  298. "Hand Book of Ecomaterial" (2019) by Springer Nature, Chapter: “Remediation of Water Contaminants”. Authours: Akbar Mohammed and Shaikh M. Mobin, (147-1).(Accepted)
  299. "Macro to Nano Spectroscopy" 2012, Chapter 5
  300. Reviews from SMM Group

    Blazing Carbon Dots: Unfolding its Luminescence Mechanism to Photoinduced Biomedical Applications.
    Mate, N., Satvani, V., Pranav, and Shaikh M. Mobin.
    Chem. Asian J.,, 2024,000,Accepted. (Invited Review by the Editor for Special Collection Luminescent Materials: From Fundamentals to Applications )

    Insight into a unique AuH-X (X = N, C and O) bonding interaction.
    Verma, S. K., Zainab, Z., Kumar, P., Tauqeer, M., Ansari, S. N., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
    Cryst Growth @ Des.,, 2024,24,20,,8354-8369. (Invited Review by the Editor for Special Collection on Honorinng Prof. J. J. Vittal)

    A Review on Covalent Organic Frameworks: Exploration of Their Growing Potential as Porous Materials in Photocatalytic Applications.
    Prakash, K., Deka, R., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
    Inorg. Chem. Frontiers,, 2024,000,Accepted.

    Highlights in Interface of Wastewater Treatment by utilizing Metal Organic Frameworks: A Purification and Adsorption Kinetics.
    Kumar, P., Abbas, Z., Kumar, P., Das, D., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
    Langmuir,, 2024,000,Accepted (Invited Review by the Editor).

    Recent Advancements in CO2 Hydrogenation to Methane using Single Atom Catalysts.
    Choudhary, N., Kallayi, N., Mate, N., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
    RSC Sustain.,, 2024,000,Accepted (Invited Review by the Editor and part of RSC Theme Collection on CO2 Conversion).

    3d Transition Metal-Based Single-Atom Catalyst as an Emerging Field for Environmentally Benign Organic Transformation Reactions.
    Choudhary, N., Parsai, P. , and Shaikh M. Mobin.
    Molecular Catalysis,, 2024,000,Accepted.

    Heterostructures of MXenes and Transition Metal Oxides for Supercapacitors: An Overview.
    Ansari, N. S., Saraf, M., Abbas, Z. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
    Nanoscale, 2023,000,Accepted (Invited Review by the Nanoscale Editor)

    Covalent Organic Frameworks (COFs)/MXenes Heterostructures for Electrochemical Energy Storage.
    Kallayi, N., Deka, R., Abbas, Z., Kumar, P., Saraf, M. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
    Cryst. Growth & Des,, 2023,000,Accepted.(Invited Perspective by the Cryst. Growth & Des. Editor).

    Recent development of morphology-controlled hybrid nanomaterials for triboelectric nanogenerator: A Review.
    Kumar, V., Kumar, P., Deka, R., Abbas, Z., and Shaikh M. Mobin.
    The Chemical Record,, 2022,000,Accepted.

    Recent Advancement in Oxidation or Acceptorless Dehydrogenation of Alcohols to Valorised Products using Manganese Based Catalysts.
    Chandra, P., Ghosh, T., Choudhary, N., Mohammad, A. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
    Coord. Chem. Rev., 2020,411,213241.(Invited Article for a Special Issue: Celebrating 60th Birthday of Prof. Goutam K. Lahiri, IIT Bombay )

    Progress and Perspectives on Covalent Organic Frameworks (COFs) and Composites for Various Energy Applications.
    Kumar, R.; Ansari, S. N.; Kumar, P.; Deka, R.; Saraf, M. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
    Chem Eur. J. , 2021,000,Accepted.

    Copper mediated chemo-and stereoselective cyanation reactions.
    Chandra, P.; Choudhary, N.; Maiti, D.; Lahiri, G. K. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
    Asian J. Org. , 2021,000,Accepted.

    Recent highlights and future prospects onmixed-metal MOFs as emerging supercapacitor candidates.
    Rajak, R., Kumar, R., Ansari, S. N., Saraf, M. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
    Dalton Trans., 2020,49,11792 - 11818.(Invited Perspective from Dalton Trans. Editor)

    Metal-Organic Framework based Antibiotic Release and Antimicrobial Response: An Overview.
    Kaur, N., Tiwari, P., Kapoor, K. S., Saini, A. K., Sharma, V. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
    CrystEnggCommun., 2020,000,Accepted.(Invited Perspective from CrystEnggCommun Editor)

    Recent Progress and Challenges in A3Sb2X9 Based Perovskite Solar Cells.
    Ahmad, K. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
    ACS Omega, 2020,000,Accepted.(Mini Review: Invited Article from ACS Omega Editor)

    Sustainable carbon-dots: Recent advances in green carbon dots for sensing and bioimaging
    Sharma, V., Tiwari, P. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
    J. Mater. Chem. B., 2017,58904-8924. (Invited Review by the Journal)

    Recent Advances in Single-Crystal-to-Single-Crystal Transformation at the Discrete Molecular Level.
    Choudhary, A., Mohammed, A. and Shaikh M. Mobin.
    Cryst. Growth & Des., 2017,17,2893-2910.

    Other Selected Publications

  301. Biomimetic sensor for certain catecholamines employing copper(II) complex and silver nanoparticle modified glassy carbon paste electrode
    Sanghavi, Bankim J.; Shaikh M. Mobin ; Mathur, Pradeep; Lahiri, Goutam K.; Srivastava, Ashwini K.
  302. Biosensensors and Bioelectronics , 2012, 39,124-132.

  303. Vapor Diffusion Mediated Single Crystal-to-Single Crystal (SCSC) Transformation of a Discrete Dimeric Copper(II) Complex to a Discrete Tetrameric Copper(II) Complex
  304. Shaikh M. Mobin, Ashwini K. Srivastava, Pradeep Mathur, and Goutam Kumar Lahiri
    Inorg. Chem., 2009, 48, 4652

  305. Biomemitic sensor for certain phenols employing a Cu (II)–complex
    Shaikh M. Mobin, Bankim J. Sanghvi, Ashwini K. Srivastava, Pradeep Mathur, and Goutam Kumar Lahiri
  306. Anal. Chem., 2010, 82, 5983

  307. Single Crystal-to-Single Crystal Transformations in Hydrated Discrete Dimeric Copper Complexes Reversible Dehydration/Rehydration and Irreversible Formation of Double Open Cubane Tetrameric Copper Complex
    Shaikh M. Mobin, Ashwini K. Srivastava, Pradeep Mathur, and Goutam Kumar Lahiri.
  308. Dalton Trans., 2010,39, 1447

  309. Reversible Single-Crystal to Single-Crystal Transformations in a Hg(II) Derivative. 1D-Polymeric Chain D 2D- Networking as a Function of Temperature
    Shaikh M. Mobin, Ashwini K. Srivastava, Pradeep Mathur, and Goutam Kumar Lahiri.
  310. Dalton Trans., 2010,39, 8698

  311. Varying structural motifs in oxyanions (NO3 −, CO32− ) and phenoxyacetate (PhOAc − ) bridged coordination polymers derived alkoxo-bridged dicopper building blocks with {Cu2O2} core
    Shaikh M. Mobin, Ashwini K. Srivastava, Pradeep Mathur and Goutam Kumar Lahiri
  312. RSC Adv., 2011, 1, 893.

  313. Bis[µ-2-(pyridin-2-yl)ethanolato]-bis[bromidocopper(II)]
    Shaikh M. Mobin, Mathur, S, Uddin, Md. J.
  314. Acta Cryst. Sec. E., 2011, E67, m1612.

  315. Formation of N-Methylated Cyclic Ligand Systems from Unusual Reactions between Trimethylamine N-Oxide and Acetylenes on Fe3Te2(CO)9 and Contrast with Reactions on Fe3E2(CO)9 (E = S, Se).
    Mathur, Pradeep; Singh, Amrendra K.; Mohanty, Jamini R.; Chatterjee, Saurav; Shaikh, M. Mobin
  316. Organometallics, 2008, 27, 5094.

  317. Intramolecular Valence and Spin Interaction in meso and rac Diastereomers of a p-Quinonoid-Bridged Diruthenium Complex.
    Kumbhakar, Doyel; Sarkar, Biprajit; Maji, Somnath; Shaikh, M. Mobin; Fiedler, Jan; Urbanos, Francisco A.; Jimenez-Aparicio, Reyes; Kaim, Wolfgang; Lahiri, Goutam Kumar.
  318. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2008, 130, 17575.

  319. Theoretical and experimental evidence for a new kind of spin-coupled singlet species: Isomeric mixed-valent complexes bridged by a radical anion ligand.
    Sarkar, Biprajit; Patra, Srikanta; Fiedler, Jan; Sunoj, Raghavan B.; Janardanan, Deepa; Shaikh, M. Mobin; Niemeyer, Mark; Lahiri, Goutam Kumar; Kaim, Wolfgang.
  320. Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed., 2005, 44, 5655.