Ph.D. Thesis Supervision
- Qazi Azhad Jamal
Thesis Title: Estimation Problems Based on Record Data
Status: Thesis defended in June 2020.
- Omer Abdalghani Abasher Alhaj
Thesis Title: Some Estimation Problems Related to Ranking and Selection
Status: Thesis defended in July 2020.
- Nancy Khandelwal
Thesis Title: Some Contributions to the Theory of Statistical Estimation
Status: Thesis defended in October 2024 [Jointly supervising with Dr. Haseeb Athar]
- Swaroop Georgy Zachariah
Status: Continuing
- Mushir Akhtar
Status: Continuing; [Jointly supervising with Dr. M. Tanveer]
- Shubham Babasaheb Alte
Status: Continuing
- Abhishek Varshney
Status: Continuing
M.Sc. Project Supervision
- Masihuddin
Title: Stochastic Ordering of Continuous Random Variables and its Applications
Status: Completed in 2016.
- Leela Krishna Prasad A.
Thesis Title: Statistical Modelling of Cricket Data
Status: Completed in 2024.
- Shubham Babasaheb Alte
Thesis Title: A Study on Estimation of Parameters in Logistic Regression Using Flexi MLq,aE
Status: Completed in 2024.
- Ishita Agrawal
Thesis Title: Construction of Bivariate Beta Log Logistic Distribution
Status: Completed in 2024.
- Rahul Choudhary
Status: Continuing
B.Tech. Project Supervision
- Akshay Tak
Title: Optimal Portfolio of Stocks Using Statistical Methods
Status: Completed in 2023
- Chetanya Sharma
Title: Statistical Arbitrage Using Pairs Trading
Status: Completed in 2024