1. Awarded best reasearch paper 2025 award on 17-feb-2025 on IITI foundation day for the paper titled "Attention-guided generator with dual discriminator GAN for real-time video anomaly detection" publsihed in "Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,
Volume 131, 2024, 107830, ISSN 0952-1976, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engappai.2023.107830." lead by Prof. Aruna Tiwari along with her team named Rituraj Singh, Anikeit Sethi, Krishanu Saini, Sumeet Saurav,Sanjay Singh .
2. PhD student under my supersvison named Ms. Preeti Jha (Research Scholar) received the VPP Menon Gold Medal for the best Ph.D. dissertation work by a female student at 10th convocation of IIT Indore, Aug 2022.