Following are the thrust areas of our research:
- Integrated Photonics
- Silicon Photonics
- Optoelectronic Devices
- Nanoelectronics
- Nano-scale Devices for memory and computing
- Devices for Optical Fibre Communication and Interconnects
- Nanofabrication & VLSI Technology
- Integrated CMOS Photonics
- Nanophotonics
- Bio-chemical Sensors
- Microwave Photonics
- Advanced Transistor Architectures
We focus on Device Innovations through novel designs and cost-effective fabrication of on-chip devices based on smart and engineered materials for future communication, computing and sensing. The group has ongoing research collaborations with leading scientists in India, Italy, South Korea, Germany, France and USA.
* Photon-IC Innovations Limited (A Startup)
* Research Associate and PhD Recruitment 2024
* Santosh Kumar and Rahul Dev Mishra have received the Best Paper awards at the 16th International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics - Photonics 2024, held from December 12 to 15 at IIT Kharagpur, India.
* Dr. Swati Rajput an alumna of ONRL has joined as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics Engineering at IIT Dhanbad.
* Rahul Dev Mishra under Prof. Mukesh Kumar in Electrical Engineering has been selected as one of the recipients of the IEEE Photonics Society (IPS) 2024 Graduate Student Scholarship.
* Santosh Kumar, a PhD student under Prof. Mukesh Kumar in Electrical Engineering has been selected as one of the recipients of the IEEE Photonics Society (IPS) 2023 Graduate Student Scholarship.
* Prof. Mukesh Kumar has been selected for "Scientific High Level Visiting Fellowship (SSHN)" to visit France.
* Prof. Mukesh Kumar has been appointed as the Associate Editor of IEEE Photonics Journal.
* Dr. Mukesh Kumar has been appointed Adjunct Faculty in Purdue School of Engineering & Technology, IUPUI, USA.
* Rolling Advertisment for PhD Position
* Centre of Advanced Eletronics
* International Day of Light Celebration 2024
Recent Publications
1. S. Kumar, A. Kumar, R. D. Mishra, P. Babu, S. K. Pandey, S. Devi, G. Brunetti, C. Ciminelli, and M. Kumar, "Multilevel Nanophotonic Resistive Switching in Ag-ITO-SiO2 on Silicon with Enhanced Optical Storage Density," Journal of Lightwave Technology, October 2024, DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2024.3474775.
2. S. Kumar, R.D. Mishra, A. Kumar, P. Babu, S. K. Pandey, and M. Kumar, "Double-Slot Nanophotonic Platform for Optically Accessible Resistive Switching with High Extinction Ratio and High Endurance,"ACS Photonics, October 2023, DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.3c01289.
2. S. Rajput, V. Kaushik, P. Babu, S. K. Pandey, and M. Kumar, "All optical modulation in vertically coupled indium tin oxide ring resonator employing epsilon near zero state", Scientific Reports, October 2023, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-44438-3.