Read MoreComputational Astrophysics @ IIT Indore
Computational astrophysics opens new windows in the way we perceive and
study the heavens. This rapidly growing new discipline in astronomy
combines modern computational methods and algorithms to simulate and
analyze data so as to discover new phenomena, and to make predictions in
astronomy, cosmology and planetary sciences.
CASIO covers research interests in a wide range of topics closely
associated with Computational and theoretical aspects of Astrophysics.
The current focus of the group is in two main areas :
- Astrophysical Plasma processes relevant to AGN jets: To study dynamical evolution of jets from its launching to its feedback in the termination stage. Additionally, the group studies the complex interplay of particle acceleration and associated non-thermal polarised emission aimimg to develop synthetic observatories to bridge state-of-the-art simulations for predicting observational features with existing and up-coming observatories like ALMA, Lofar, SKA, TMT and CTA.
- Space Plasma processes in the Sun-Earth environment: This group aims to provide an indigenous space weather modeling framework to reveal plasma features relating the Sun-Earth environment. We have created SWASTi, the Space Weather Adaptive Simulation Framework, to simulate solar wind, CMEs, and CIRs. The model has been verified against OMNI database data and showed computational efficiency and precise assessment. Such a framework is essential for assessment of upcoming Aditya L1 in-situ data from ASPEX, MAG and PAPA. Additionally, the group has developed MagPIE model to couple the magnetosphere-Ionosphere and thereby study the geoeffective of space weather drivers within the Sun-Earth environment. Such an indegenious and versatile framework would also be potentially useful tool for upcoming missions to study Venus (Shukrayaan) and DISHA (Ionosphere).
The group has acquired sponsored projects from CSIR EMR-II grant (2018-2021), Max Planck Partner group award (2019-2024), ISRO RESPOND Grant (2021-2024),

Post-doctoral Fellows
Raj Kishor Joshi [Joined: April 2024; Supported by MPG Partner Group]
B.Sc. in Physics Ramjas College, University of Delhi
M.Sc. in Physics Department of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi
PhD in Physics Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIES), Nainital
Thesis : Numerical simulations of fluid flows around compact objects
Research Interests: [ ORCID ID] [ PERSONAL PAGE]
Exploring the Dynamics of Relativistic Jets and Accretion Flows through Numerical Simulations.
PhD Students
Prateek Mayank [Joined: August 2020; Prime Ministers Research Fellow [PMRF]]
B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering Institute of Technology, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur
M.Sc. in Physics University of Delhi
Research Interests [ PERSONAL PAGE]
Space Weather Modelling : Macro-physical processes
Jithu J Athalathil [Joined: July 2022; Prime Minister's Research Fellow [PMRF]]
B.Sc. in Physics : MES Kalladi College (University of Calicut)
M.Sc. in Astronomy Cochin University of Science and Technology
Research Interests [ PERSONAL PAGE]
Applications of AI/ML in Space Weather Forecasting.
Harshita Bhuyan [Joined: January 2023, DST-INSPIRE Fellow]
Integrated B.Sc-M.Sc. in Physics : Tezpur University, Assam
Research Interests [ PERSONAL PAGE]
Multi-messenger and Multiwavelength Astronomy, Astrophysical Neutrino
Sirsha Nandy [Joined: July 2023, Prime Minister's Research Fellow [PMRF] ]
B.Sc. in Physics : Presidency University, Kolkata
M.Sc. in Astronomy Indian Institute of Technology Indore
Research Interests [ PERSONAL PAGE]
Space Weather Modelling : Magneto-sphere Ionosphere Coupling.
Aditya Sharma [Joined: July 2023, CSIR-NET JRF]
BS-MS Degree in Physics : IISER Bhopal
Research Interests [ PERSONAL PAGE]
Relativistic AGN jets and associated feedback.
Master Students
Nikita [MS SSE Batch: 2022-24]
B.Sc. in Physics (Hons) : Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, Delhi University
M.Sc. in Physics : Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Research Interests: [ PERSONAL PAGE]
Bridging the Dynamics of Jets with Polarization Signatures, Computational Astrophysics
Ashad Ahmad [MSc Batch: 2022-24]
B.Sc. in Physics (Hons) : Karim City College, Kolhan University, Jharkhand
M.Sc. Thesis Topic: Understanding the formation of peculiar features in AGN jets at feedback scales.
Sparsh Arya [MSc Batch: 2022-24]
B.Tech (ECE) : VIT Vellore, Tamil Nadu
M.Sc. Thesis Topic:Forecasting Space Weather Indices: A Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approach for Enhanced Solar Activity Prediction
Alumni (Postdoctoral Fellows)
Indu Kalpa Dihingia [Tenure: March 2020-2022; MPG Partner Group Postdoc]
Currently postdoctoral Fellow at the Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, China; Member of the Event Horizon Telescope
B.Sc. in Physics
DHSK College, Dibrugarh, Assam, India
M.Sc. in Physics
IIT Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam, India
PhD in Physics
IIT Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam
Thesis : Relativistic advective accretion flow around black hole
Research Interests [ ORCID ID ]
General relativistic hydrodynamics studies around Kerr black holes and exotic objects.
Alumni (PhD Students)
Sriyasriti Acharya [Joined : July 2018; Graduated : January 2023; DST-INSPIRE Fellow]
Currently Post-doctoral Researcher at the University of Hamburg, Germany
B.Sc. in Physics
Buxi Jagabandhu Bidyadhar Autonomous College (Utkal University, Odisha)
M.Sc. in Physics
Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Karnataka
Research Interests [ PERSONAL PAGE]
Understanding physical process for multi-wavelength emission and variablity in AGN jets.
Sayan Kundu [Joined : July 2018; Graduated: August 2023; MPG Partner Group PhD]
Currently Research Associate at the University of Bath, United Kingdom
B.Sc. in Physics
Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose College (Calcutta University)
M.Sc. in Physics
University of North Bengal.
Research Interests[ PERSONAL PAGE]
Modelling stochastic particle accleration processes in Astrophysical and Space plasma.
Gourab Giri [Joined : March 2019, Graduated : October 2023; Prime Ministers Research Fellow [PMRF]]
Currently SARAO fellow at the University of Pretoria, South Africa
B.Sc. in Physics
Midnapore College (Vidyasagar University)
M.Sc. in Physics
Presidency University, Kolkata
Research Interests[ PERSONAL PAGE]
Studying the behavior and feedback effects of large scale AGN jets and their connection with galaxy evolution.
Arghyadeep Paul [Joined : July 2019; Graduated : November 2023]
Currently postdoctoral fellow at CEA, Saclay, France
B.Sc. in Physics
University of North Bengal
M.Sc. in Physics
Tezpur University
Research Interests [ PERSONAL PAGE]
Space Weather Modelling : Micro-physical processes
Alumni (PG Students)
Sandeep Kumar [M.Sc. batch 2018-20]
PhD student in Udaipur Solar Observation (USO)
B.Sc. in Physics : Chaudhary Devi Lal University, Sirsa, Haryana
M.Sc. Thesis Topic : Data driven modelling of solar wind : Connecting Sun to Earth
Nikhil Borse [M.Sc. batch 2018-20]
Graduate student at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
B.E. in Mechanical Engineering : Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Pune
M Tech in Aerospace Engineering : Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai
M.Sc. Thesis Topic : Studying effects of MHD Instablities on spectral energy distribution in AGN jets.
Ravi Pratap Dubey [M.Sc. batch 2019-21]
IMPRS PhD Student at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg
B.Sc. in Physics : University of Delhi, Delhi
M.Sc. Thesis Topic : Study of Dynamical and Emission features of Dual AGN candidates
Ronish Mugatwala [M.Sc. batch 2019-21]
PhD Student SWATNet project at Unversity of Rome, Italy and University of Sheffield, UK
B.Sc. in Physics : The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodra
M.Sc. Thesis Topic : Space Weather Modeling: Study of Initialization and Evolution of CME
Kishlay Singh [M.Sc. batch 2020-22]
Graduate student at the College of Arts and Science (Physics and Astronomy), University of Missouri, USA
B.Tech in Petroleum Engineering : University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, Uttarakhand
M.Sc. Thesis Topic : Shadow imaging & study of the polarization of light emitted from around the Black Hole.
Sayeed Kazim [M.Sc. batch 2021-23]
Graduate student at the Department of Physcis, University of Rouen Normandy, France
B.Sc in Physics : St. Xaviers College, University of Mumbai
M.Sc. Thesis Topic : Modelling Turbulence in Astrophysical Fluids