Naveen Chandra, Himadri Vaidya, Neelima Satyam, Xiaochuan Tang, Saurabh Singh and Sansar Raj Meena (2025), "A Novel Multi-Layer Attention Boosted YOLOv10 Network for Landslide Mapping Using Remote Sensing Data", Transactions in GIS, Wiley, (I.F. 2.1).
Vikas Rawat, and Neelima Satyam (2025), "Innovative premix treatment for enhancing the efficacy of microbial-induced calcite precipitation (MICP) in improving shear strength of fly ash-mixed sand", Soil Use and Management, Wiley, (I.F. 5.0).
Nikhil Kumar Pandey, and Neelima Satyam (2025), "Rheological Characterization of Debris Flows in the Western Himalayas Using XGBoost and Laboratory Data", Modeling Earth System and Environment, Springer,, (I.F. 2.7).
Falak Zahoor, K. Seshagiri Rao, and Neelima Satyam (2025), "Microzonation Through Seismic and Geotechnical Vulnerability Assessment: Recommendation of Foundation Selection Guidelines for the Srinagar Metropolitan Region", Pure and Applied Geophysics, Springer,, (I.F. 1.9).
Nikhil Kumar Pandey, Kunal Gupta, and Neelima Satyam (2025), "Rock Slope Stability Analysis Using Ensemble Decision Tree Approaches and Feature Importance Along an Economic Corridor in Central India", Journal of Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Elsevier,, (I.F. 3.0).
Falak Zahoor, K. Seshagiri Rao, Faizan Ul Haq Mir and Neelima Satyam (2025), "Intensity-dependent site amplification factors using non-linear ground response analysis for Greater Srinagar Metropolitan in the deep sedimentary basin of Kashmir", Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Elsevier,, (I.F. 4.2).
Vikas Rawat, Neelima Satyam, and Aalia Hashim (2024), "Enhancing the Strength and Durability of Soil Using Sugarcane Molasses as Broth Medium in the Microbial-Induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP) Technique", Geomicrobiology Journal, Taylor and Francis,, (I.F. 2.2).
Ankit Garg, Sai Krishna Akash Ramineni, X Liu, Mingjie Jiang, and Neelima Satyam (2024), "Theoretical and experimental investigation of thermal conductivity of unsaturated soils amended with biochar", Sustainability, MDPI,, (I.F. 3.3).
Nikhil Kumar Pandey, Badal Ranjit Singh, and Neelima Satyam (2024), "Experimental study of stony debris flow and its feature importance with varying coarse grain and water content", Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer,, (I.F. 2.8).
Massimiliano Alvioli, Marco Loche, Liesbet Jacobs, Carlos H. Grohmann, Minu Treesa Abraham, Kunal Gupta, Neelima Satyam, Gianvito Scaringi, Txomin Bornaetxea, Mauro Rossi, Ivan Marchesini, Luigi Lombardo, Mateo Moreno, Stefan Steger, Corrado Camera, Greta Bajni, Guruh Samodra, Erwin Eko Wahyudi, Nanang Susyanto, Marko Sincic, Sanja Bernat Gazibara, Flavius Sirbu, Jewgenij Torizin, Nick Schubler, Benjamin Mirus, Jacob Woodard, Hector Aguilera, and Jhonatan Steven Rivera-Rivera, (2024), "A benchmark dataset and workflow for landslide susceptibility zonation", Earth-Science Reviews, Elsevier,, (I.F. 10.8).
Kunal Gupta, and Neelima Satyam (2024), "An integrated approach to co-seismic landslide hazard assessment by probabilistic modelling of parametrical uncertainties in modified Newmark's model", Indian Geotechnical Journal, Springer,, (I.F. 1.4).
X. Liu, B. Chen, A. Garg & X. Song, and Neelima Satyam (2024), "Review and Measurement of Thermal Properties of Soil Amended with Different Biochar Types Considering Unsaturated Soil Perspective", Indian Geotechnical Journal, Springer,, (I.F. 1.4).
Kunal Gupta, and Neelima Satyam (2024), "Integrating Real-time Sensor Data for Improved Hydrogeotechnical Modelling in Landslide Early Warning in Western Himalaya", Engineering Geology, Elsevier,, (I.F. 6.9).
Kunal Gupta, Neelima Satyam, and Samuele Segoni (2024), "A Comparative Study of empirical and machine learning approaches for soil thickness mapping in the Joshimath region (India)", Catena, Elsevier,, (I.F. 5.4).
Vikas Rawat and Neelima Satyam (2024), "Effect of Fiber-Reinforced Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitation on The Mechanical Properties of Coastal Soil", Soil Use and Management, Wiley,,(I.F. 5).
Vikas Rawat and Neelima Satyam (2024), " Enhancing the durability of coastal soil treated with fiber-reinforced microbial-induced calcite precipitation (MICP)", Applied Ocean Research, Elsevier,, (I.F. 4.3).
Jia Wang, Ankit Garg, Neelima Satyam, Askar Zhussupbekov, and Svetlana Sushkova (2024), "DFOS Technology in Geoengineering Monitoring in the Past 35 Years: A Bibliometric Analysis", Sensors, MDPI,, (I.F. 3.4).
Kunal Gupta, and Neelima Satyam (2024), "Optimizing Seismic Hazard Inputs for Co-Seismic Landslide Susceptibility Mapping: A Probabilistic Analysis", Natural Hazards, Springer,, (I.F. 3.3).
Falak Zahoor, K. Seshagiri Rao, Neelima Satyam and Bashir Ahmed Mir (2024), "Geotechnical characterisation and 2D soil cross-section model development in the Kashmir Basin", Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Springer,
Lekshmi S Sunil, Minu Treesa Abraham and Neelima Satyam (2024), "Mapping built-up area expansion in landslide susceptible zones using automatic land use/ land cover classification", Journal of Earth System Science, Springer,, (I.F. 1.3).
Minu Treesa Abraham, Neelima Satyam, and Julia Kowalski (2024), "Numerical Modelling of Debris Flows for Simulation-based Decision Support: An Indian Perspective", Indian Geotechnical Journal, Springer,, (I.F. 1.4).
Nikhil Kumar Pandey, Neelima Satyam, and Kunal Gupta (2024), "Landslide-induced debris flows and its investigation using r.avaflow: A case study from Kotrupi, India", Journal of Earth System Science, Springer,, (I.F. 1.3).
Nitin Tiwari and Neelima Satyam (2024), "Indigenous Bacteria-Driven Eco-Friendly Soil Stabilization: A Bio-Inspired Approach through Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitation for Sustainable Infrastructure Development", Indian Geotechnical Journal, Springer,, (I.F. 1.4).
Monika Dagliya and Neelima Satyam (2024), "Optimization of Urease Amount for Calcite Precipitation in Indian Desert Sand Using Biologically Inspired Method", Indian Geotechnical Journal, Springer,, (I.F. 1.4).
Minu Treesa Abraham, Neelima Satyam, and Biswajeet Pradhan (2024), "A novel approach for quantifying similarities between different debris flow sites using field investigations and numerical modelling", Terra Nova, Wiley,, (I.F. 2.2).
Falak Zahoor, K. Seshagiri Rao, Bashir Ahmed Mir and Neelima Satyam (2023), "Geophysical surveys in the Kashmir valley (J&K Himalayas) part II: Anomalous seismic site-effects and exploration of alternative site classification schemes", Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Elsevier,, (I.F. 4.2).
Monika Dagliya and Neelima Satyam (2023), "Large Scale Study on Influence of Biopolymer to Mitigate Wind Induced Sand Erosion with Durability Analysis", Soil & Tillage Research, Elsevier,, (I.F. 6.1).
Falak Zahoor, K. Seshagiri Rao, and Neelima Satyam (2023), "A comprehensive review of the nonlinear response of soil deposits and its implications in ground response analysis", Indian Geotechnical Journal, Springer,, (I.F. 1.4).
Monika Dagliya, Neelima Satyam and Ankit Garg (2023), "Rock-Like Strength Enhancement of Indian Desert Sand Using Commercially Available Polysaccharide Biopolymers", Soil Use and Management, Wiley,, (I.F. 3.8).
Falak Zahoor, K. Seshagiri Rao, Bashir Ahmed Mir and Neelima Satyam (2023), "Geophysical surveys in the Kashmir valley (J&K Himalayas) part I: Estimation of dynamic parameters for soils and investigation of the deep basin structure", Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Elsevier,, (I.F. 4.2).
Kunal Gupta, Neelima Satyam, and Vaasu Gupta (2023), "Probabilistic assessment of seismically triggered landslide hazard for Uttarakhand (India)", Natural Hazards, Springer,, (I.F. 3.3).
Monika Dagliya, Neelima Satyam and Ankit Garg (2023), "Optimization of Growth Medium for Microbially Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation (MICP) Treatment of the Desert Sand", Journal of arid land, Springer,, (I.F. 2.7).
Xiao Lina, Cai Weiling, Neelima Satyam, and Ankit Garg (2023), "Effect of biochar produced from peach pit biomass on sedimentation, water retention and volumetric shrinkage behaviour of saline kaolin clay", Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, Springer,, (I.F. 3.5).
Monika Dagliya, Neelima Satyam and Ankit Garg (2023), "Desert Sand Stabilization using Biopolymers: Review", Smart Construction and Sustainable Cities, Springer,
Kunal Gupta, Minu Treesa Abraham, and Neelima Satyam (2023), "Characterization and interpretation of seismic signals generated by 7th February 2021, Dhauliganga disaster (India)", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Elsevier,, (I.F. 2.2).
Falak Zahoor, Abdullah Ansari, K. Seshagiri Rao, Neelima Satyam (2023), "Seismic Hazard Assessment of Kashmir Region Using Logic Tree Approach: Focus on Sensitivity of PSHA Results Towards Declustering Procedures and GMPEs", Pure and Applied Geophysics, Springer,, (I.F. 1.9).
Minu Treesa Abraham, Manjunath Vaddappally, Neelima Satyam, and Biswajeet Pradhan (2023) "Spatio-temporal landslide forecasting using process-based and data-driven approaches: A case study from Western Ghats, India", Catena, Elsevier,, (I.F. 5.4).
Nitin Tiwari, Fabio Rondinella, Neelima Satyam, and Nicola Baldo (2023) "Alternative fillers in Asphalt concrete mixtures: Laboratory investigation and machine learning modeling towards mechanical performance prediction", Materials, MDPI,, (I.F. 3.1).
Kunal Gupta, Neelima Satyam, and Vaasu Gupta (2023), "Probabilistic physical modelling and prediction of regional seismic landslide hazard in Uttarakhand state (India)", Landslides, Springer,, (I.F. 5.8).
Nitin Tiwari, Fabio Rondinella, Neelima Satyam, and Nicola Baldo (2023) "Experimental and Machine Learning Approach to Investigate the Mechanical Performance of Asphalt Mixtures with Silica Fume Filler", Applied Sciences, MDPI,, (I.F. 2.8).
Minu Treesa Abraham, Neelima Satyam, Biswajeet Pradhan, and Samuele Segoni (2022), "Proposing an easy-to-use tool for estimating landslide dimensions using a data-driven approach", All Earth, Taylor and Francis,, (I.F. 2.2).
Nitin Tiwari, Neelima Satyam, and Anand J Puppala (2022), "Closure to Effect of Synthetic Geotextile on Stabilization of Expansive Subgrades, Nitin Tiwari, Aff.M. ASCE1; Neelima Satyam2; Anand Puppala, F. ASCE3", Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE,, (I.F. 3.1).
Neharika G.N.S. and Neelima Satyam (2022), "Deterministic and Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis of Tindharia, Darjeeling Sikkim Himalaya, India", Journal of the Geological Society of India, Springer,, (I.F. 1.4).
Monika Dagliya, Neelima Satyam and Ankit Garg (2022), "Biopolymer based stabilization of Indian Desert Soil against Wind induced Erosion", Acta Geophysica, Springer,, (I.F. 2).
Kunal Gupta, and Neelima Satyam (2022), "Co-seismic landslide hazard assessment of Uttarakhand state (India) based on the modified Newmark model", Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X, Elsevier,, (I.F. 1.7).
Nitin Tiwari and Neelima Satyam (2022), "An Experimental Study on Strength Improvement of Expansive Subgrades by Polypropylene Fibers and Geogrid reinforcement", Scientific Reports, Nature,, (I.F. 3.8).
Meghna Sharma, Neelima Satyam, Krishna R. Reddy (2022), "Large-Scale Spatial Characterization and Liquefaction Resistance of Sand by Hybrid Bacteria Induced Biocementation", Engineering Geology, Elsevier,, (I.F. 6.9).
Nitin Tiwari, Nicola Baldoand, Neelima Satyam , Matteo Miani (2022), "Mechanical Characterization of Industrial Waste Materials as Mineral in Asphalt Mixes: Integrated Experimental and Machine Learning Analysis", Sustainability, 14(10), 5946,, (I.F. 3.3).
Kunal Gupta, and Neelima Satyam (2022), "Estimation of Arias Intensity and Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) using Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment of Uttarakhand state (India)", Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Springer, 437,
Minu Treesa Abraham, Neelima Satyam, Biswajeet Pradhan and Hongling Tian (2022), "Debris Flow Simulation 2D (DFS 2D): Numerical modeling of debris flows and calibration of friction parameters", Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Elsevier,, (I.F. 9.4).
Meghna Sharma, Neelima Satyam, Krishna R. Reddy and Maria Chrysochoou (2022), "Multiple Heavy Metal Immobilization and Strength Improvement of Contaminated Soil using Bio-Mediated Calcite Precipitation Technique", Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Springer,
Monika Dagliya, Neelima Satyam and Ankit Garg (2022), "Experimental Study on Optimization of Cementation Solution for Wind-Erosion Resistance using MICP Method", Sustainability, 14(3), 1770, (I.F. 3.3).
Ambika Srivastav and Neelima Satyam and K. S. Rajan (2022), "Seismic vulnerability assessment of SFRS lined tunnel: A Himalayan case study", Journal of Geological Society of India, Springer,
Monika Dagliya, Neelima Satyam, Meghna Sharma and Ankit Garg (2022), "Experimental Study on Mitigating Wind Erosion of Calcareous Desert Sand using Spray Method for MICP", Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Elsevier, 14(5),, (I.F. 9.4).
Meghna Sharma, Neelima Satyam and Krishna R. Reddy (2022), "Liquefaction Resistance of Biotreated Sand Before and After Exposing to Weathering Conditions", Indian Geotechnical Journal, Springer, (I.F./C.S. 1.4).
Minu Treesa Abraham, Neelima Satyam, Prashita Jain, Biswajeet Pradhan and Abdullah M Alamri (2021), "Effect of spatial resolution and data splitting on landslide susceptibility mapping using different machine learning algorithms". Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, Taylor & Francis, 12(1), 3381-3408 (I.F. 4.2).
Neharika G.N.S. and Neelima Satyam (2021), "Earthquake scenario selection of Tindharia landslide in India", Journal of Engineering Geology, Indian Society of Engineering Geology (ISEG), 46(1), 91-105.
Minu Treesa Abraham, Neelima Satyam, Biswajeet Pradhan, Samuele Segoni and Abdullah Alamri (2021), "Developing a prototype landslide early warning system for Darjeeling Himalayas using SIGMA model and real-time field monitoring", Geosciences, Springer,, (I.F. 1.2).
Nitin Tiwari and Neelima Satyam (2021), "Evaluation of Strength and Water Susceptibility Performance of Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced and Silica Fume Modified Hot Mix Asphalt", Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, ASTM, 10(1), 20210029,, (I.F./C.S. 2.0).
Minu Treesa Abraham, Neelima Satyam, Revuri Lokesh, Biswajeet Pradhan and Abdullah Alamri (2021), "Factors Affecting Landslide Susceptibility Mapping: Assessing the Influence of Different Machine Learning Approaches, Sampling Strategies and Data Splitting", Land 2021, 10, 989,, (I.F. 3.9).
Neelima Satyam, Thomas Oommen, Sabatino Cuomo (2021), "Editorial-Special Issue: Landslides: Forecasting, Assessment and Mitigation", Indian Geotechnical Journal, Springer, 51, 625-626,, (I.F./C.S. 1.4).
Meghna Sharma and Neelima Satyam (2021), "Strength and Durability of Biocemented Sands: Wetting-Drying Cycles, Ageing Effects, and Liquefaction Resistance", Geoderma, Elsevier, 402, 115359,, (I.F. 6.1).
Nitin Tiwari, Neelima Satyam and Meghna Sharma (2021), "Micro-Mechanical Performance Evaluation of Expansive Soil Biotreated With Indigenous Bacteria Using MICP Method", Scientific Reports, Nature, 11, 10324,, (I.F. 4.6).
Abdoullah Namdar and Neelima Satyam (2021), "Characterization displacement of multilayered soils using smoothing seismic data, numerical analysis and probabilistically statistics analysis" SN Applied Sciences, Springer, 3, 621, (I.F./C.S. 2.6).
Meghna Sharma, Neelima Satyam, Nitin Tiwari, Shubham Sahu, and Krishna R. Reddy (2021), "Simplified biogeochemical numerical model to predict pore fluid chemistry and calcite precipitation during biocementation of soil" Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Springer, 14, 807,
Nitin Tiwari, Neelima Satyam and Anand J Puppala (2021), "Strength and Durability Assessment of Expansive Soil Stabilized with Recycled Ash and Natural Fibers" Transportation Geotechnics, Elsevier, 29, 100556, (I.F. 5.3).
Nitin Tiwari and Neelima Satyam (2021), "The Coupling Effect of Pond-Ash and Polypropylene Fiber on Strength and durability attributes of Expansive Subgrades: An Integrated Experimental and Machine Learning Approach", Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Elsevier, 13(5), 1101-1112,, (I.F. 7.3).
Ritu Raj Nath, Nani Das and Neelima Satyam (2021), "Impact of Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) on Landslide Susceptibility in Garhwal Himalaya: A Case Study" Indian Geotechnical Journal, Springer, (I.F./C.S. 1.4).
Nitin Tiwari, Neelima Satyam and Anand J Puppala (2021), "Effect of Synthetic Geotextile on Stabilization of Expansive Subgrades: An Experimental Study" Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 33(10), 04021273, (I.F. 3.2).
Minu Treesa Abraham, Neelima Satyam and Biswajeet Pradhan (2021), "Forecasting landslides using mobility functions: A case study from Idukki district, India" Indian Geotechnical Journal, Springer, 51, 684-693, (I.F./C.S. 1.4).
Meghna Sharma, Neelima Satyam and Krishna R. Reddy (2021), "Effect of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on Engineering Properties of Biocemented Sand under Different Treatment Conditions", Engineering Geology, Elsevier, 284, 106022,, (I.F. 7.4).
Minu Treesa Abraham, Neelima Satyam, Nakshatram Shreyas, Biswajeet Pradhan, Samuele Segoni, Khairul Nizam Abdul Maulud, Abdullah M. Alamri (2021), Forecasting landslides using SIGMA model: a case study from Idukki, India. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk,Taylor & Francis, 12(1), 540-559,, (I.F. 4.5).
Meghna Sharma, Neelima Satyam and Krishna R. Reddy (2021), "Hybrid Bacteria Mediated Cemented Sand: Microcharacterization, Permeability, Strength, Shear Wave Velocity, Stress-Strain, and Durability", International Journal of Damage Mechanics, SAGE Publication, 30(4), 618-645,, (I.F. 4).
Minu Treesa Abraham, Neelima Satyam , Ascanio Rosi, Biswajeet Pradhan and Samuele Segoni (2021), "Usage of antecedent soil moisture for improving the performance of rainfall thresholds for landslide early warning" Catena, Elsevier, 200, 105147,, (I.F. 5.4).
Neelima Satyam and Putti Swathi Priyadarsini (2021), "Seismic Site characterization and dynamic analysis of pile supported Wharf structure", Indian Geotechnical Journal, Springer, 51(1), 211-224, (I.F./C.S. 1.4).
Meghna Sharma, Neelima Satyam and Krishna R. Reddy (2021), "Rock-like Behavior of Biocemented Sand Treated under Non-Sterile Environment and Various Treatment Conditions", Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Elsevier, 13(3), 705-716, (I.F. 9.4).
Meghna Sharma, Neelima Satyam and Krishna R. Reddy (2021), "Comparison of Improved Shear Strength of Biotreated Sand using Different Ureolytic Strains and Sterile Conditions", Soil Use and Management, Wiley., (I.F. 5). (Top Cited Article 2020-2021)
Binh Thai P, Abolfazl J., T. Nguyen-Thoi, T.V. Phong, H. D. Nguyen, Neelima Satyam , Md Masroor, S. Rehman, H. Sajjad, M. Sahana, H. V. Le & I. Prakash (2020), "Ensemble machine learning models based on Reduced Error Pruning Tree for prediction of rainfall-induced landslides", International Journal of Digital Earth, Taylor & Francis, 14(5). 575-596,, (I.F. 3.7).
Minu Treesa Abraham, Neelima Satyam, Maria Alexandra Bulzinetti, Biswajeet Pradhan, Binh Thai Pham and Samuele Segoni (2020) "Using Field-Based Monitoring to Enhance the Performance of Rainfall Thresholds for Landslide Warning", Water, 12(12), 3453;, (I.F. 3).
Mehebub S, Binh Thai P, Manas S, Romulus C, Do Xuan T, Rabin C, Neelima Satyam , Huu Duy N, Tran Van P, Hiep Van L, Subodh C, G Areendran, Kashif I and Indra P.(2020), Rainfall Induced Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Novel Hybrid Soft Computing Methods Based on Multi-layer Perceptron Neural Network Classifier, Geocarto International, Taylor and Francis,, (I.F. 3.3).
Minu Treesa Abraham, Neelima Satyam , Sai Kumar Peddholla Reddy, Biswajeet Pradhan (2020) "Runout modelling and calibration of friction parameters of Kurichermala debris flow, India", Landslides, Springer, 18, 737-754,, (I.F. 5.8).
Meghna Sharma, Neelima Satyam , and Krishna R. Reddy (2020), "State-of-the-Art Review of Emerging and Biogeotechnical Methods for LiquefactionMitigation in Sands", Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, ASCE, 25(1), 03120001,, (I.F./C.S. 2.1).
Nitin Tiwari, Neelima Satyam and Kundan Singh (2020), "Effect of Curing on Micro-Physical Performance of Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced and Silica Fume stabilized Expansive Soil Under Freezing Thawing Cycles", Scientific Reports, Nature, 10, 7624,, (I.F. 3.8).
Meghna Sharma, Neelima Satyam and Krishna R. Reddy (2020), "Strength Enhancement and Lead Immobilization of Sand using Consortia of Bacteria and Blue-Green Algae", Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, ASCE, 24(4),, (I.F./C.S. 2.1).
Putti Swathi Priyadarsini and Neelima Satyam (2020), "Evaluation of site effects using HVSR microtremor measurements in Vishakhapatnam (India)", Earth Systems and Environment, Springer, 4(2),, (I.F./C.S 5.3).
Minu Treesa Abraham, Neelima Satyam , Sai Kushal, Ascanio Rosi, Biswajeet Pradhan and Samuele Segoni (2020), "Rainfall Threshold Estimation and Landslide Forecasting for Kalimpong, India Using SIGMA Model". Water 12(4), 1195., (I.F. 3).
Nitin Tiwari, Neelima Satyam and Jasmin Patva (2020), "Engineering Characteristics and Performance of Polypropylene Fiber and Silica Fume Treated Expansive Soil Subgrade", International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering, Springer, 6, 18,, (I.F./ C.S. 2.3) (Listed in Editor's Choice Papers of 2020).
Minu Treesa Abraham , Neelima Satyam , Ascanio Rosi, Biswajeet Pradhan and Samuele Segoni (2020) " The Selection of Rain Gauges and Rainfall Parameters in Estimating Intensity-Duration Thresholds for Landslide Occurrence: Case Study from Wayanad (India) ", Water, 2020, 12, 1000,, (I.F. 3)(Listed in Editor's Choice Papers).
Minu Treesa Abraham, Neelima Satyam , Biswajeet Pradhan and Abdullah M. Alamri (2020) "Forecasting of Landslides Using Rainfall Severity and Soil Wetness: A Probabilistic Approach for Darjeeling Himalayas", Water, 12(3), 804,, (I.F. 3).
Ambika Srivastav and Neelima Satyam (2020), "Understanding the impact of the earthquake on circular tunnels in different rock mass: A numerical approach", Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, Springer, 5(1), 1-9,, (I.F./C.S. 2.3).
Abhirup Dikshit, Neelima Satyam , Biswajeet Pradhan and Sai Kushal (2020), "Estimating rainfall threshold and temporal probability for landslide occurrences in Darjeeling Himalayas", Geosciences, Springer,, (I.F. 2.4).
Nitin Tiwari and Neelima Satyam (2019), "An Experimental Study on the Behavior of Lime and Silica Fume Treated Coir Geotextile Reinforced Expansive Soil Subgrade", Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, Elsevier, 23(5), 1214-1222,, (I.F. 5.1).
Meghna Sharma, Neelima Satyam and Krishna R. Reddy (2019), "Investigation of Various Gram-Positive Bacteria for MICP in Narmada Sand", India, International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Taylor & Francis, 15(2), 220-234, , (I.F./C.S. 2.3).
Abhirup Dikshit, Neelima Satyam , and Biswajeet Pradhan (2019), "Estimation of rainfall induced landslides using TRIGRS Model", Earth System and Environment, Springer, 3, 575-584,, (I.F./C.S. 5.3).
Minu Treesa Abraham, Deekshith Pothuraju and Neelima Satyam (2019), "Rainfall Thresholds for Prediction of Landslides in Idukki, India: An Empirical Approach", Water, 11(10), 2113,, (I.F. 3).
Surya Togaru Teja, Abhirup Dikshit and Neelima Satyam (2019), "Determination of thresholds using an algorithm-based approach: A case study", Geosciences, 9(7), 302,, (I.F./C.S. 1.2).
Abhirup Dikshit and Neelima Satyam (2019), "Probabilistic rainfall thresholds in Chibo, India: estimation and validation using monitoring systems", Journal of Mountain Science, Springer,, (I.F. 2.5).
Nitin Tiwari and Neelima Satyam (2019), "Experimental Study on the Influence of Polypropylene Fiber on the Swelling Pressure Expansion Attributes of Silica Fume Stabilized Clayey Soil",Special Issue "Behavior of Expansive Soils and its Shrinkage Cracking", Geosciences, 9, (9), 377, (I.F./C.S. 2.7) (Listed in Most Cited and Editor Choice Articles).
Putti Swathi Priyadarsini and Neelima Satyam (2019), "Estimation of ground response analysis and local site effects for Vishakhapatnam, India", Natural Hazards, Springer,, (I.F. 3.3) .
Abhirup Dikshit, Raju Sarkar and Neelima Satyam (2018), "Probabilistic Approach Towards Darjeeling Himalayas Landslides- A Case Study", Cogent Engineering, Taylor & Francis (2018),, (I.F./C.S. 2.5).
Abhirup Dikshit, Neelima Satyam , Ikuo Towhata (2018), "Early warning system using tilt sensors in Chibo Kalimpong, Darjeeling Himalayas, India", Natural Hazards, 94(2), 727-741 Springer,, (I.F. 3.3).
Abhirup Dikshit and Neelima Satyam (2018), "Estimation of Rainfall Thresholds for Landslide Occurrences in Kalimpong, India", Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, Springer, 3:24, ( (I.F./C.S. 2.4).
Pallavi Badry and Neelima Satyam (2018), "3-D soil foundation structure interaction analysis for asymmetrical building", Journal of Structural Engineering, 44(5), 466-474 (ISSN 0970-0137),
Ambika Srivastav and Neelima Satyam (2018) "Seismic response of tunnels in jointed rockmass", Journal of Engineering geology, Indian Society of Engineering Geology (ISEG), 43(12).
Swathi Priyadarsini and Neelima Satyam (2018), "Ground response analysis and liquefaction hazard assessment for Vishakhapatnam city", Innovative Infrastructure Solutions,,(I.F./C.S.- 2.4).
Abhirup Dikshit and Neelima Satyam (2018) "Determination of rainfall thresholds for shallow landslides using limited data" Journal of Engineering geology, Indian Society of Engineering Geology (ISEG), 43(10) .
Abhirup Dikshit and Neelima Satyam (2017), "Application of FLaIR model for an early warning system in Kalimpong, India for rainfall-induced landslides Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss",, (I.F./C.S. 2.150).
Neelima Satyam and Ikuo Towhata (2016), "Site specific ground response analysis and liquefaction assessment of Vijayawada city (India)", Natural Hazards, Springer, 81 (2), 705-724., (I.F.: 3.3)
Pallavi Badry and Neelima Satyam (2016), "Seismic soil structure interaction analysis for asymmetrical buildings supported on piled raft for the 2015 Nepal earthquake", International Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Elsevier,https://https://doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2016.03.014, (I.F. 3.449).
Pallavi Badry and Neelima Satyam (2016), "Efficient approach for assessing the seismic soil structure interaction effect for the asymmetrical pile group", International Journal of Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, Springer, 1(1), pp 1-19,, (I.F./C.S. 2.4).
Neelima Satyam and Avijith Vajpayee (2016), "Critical Road Path during an Earthquake in Vijayawada city (India)", International Journal of Computations and Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol 11, pp 1-22.
Akhila Manne and Neelima Satyam (2015), "A Review on the Discrete Element Modeling of Dynamic laboratory tests for Liquefaction Assessment", Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 20 [2015], Bund. 1, pp. 21-46. (ISSN: 1089-3032), (I.F./C.S. 1.128).
Pallavi Badry and Neelima Satyam (2015), "Soil structure interaction analysis for huge oil storage tank on soft marine clay", International Journal of Geomate, Vol. 8, No. 11 (Sl. No. 15), pp. 1123-1129 (ISSN:2186-2982) ,(I.F./C.S. 1.09)
Akhila Manne and Neelima Satyam (2015), "Influence of particle shape and size on the dynamic soil properties, Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, 2(24) pp. 897-902,
Neelima Satyam and Rao K S (2014) "Liquefaction Hazard Assessment Using SPT and VS for Two Cities in India", Indian Geotechnical Journal (Springer) 44(4):468-479,, (I.F./C.S: 1.4)
Pallavi Badry and Neelima Satyam , (2014) "Numerical Analysis of pile-soil interaction", International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Volume 07, No. 04, pp: 655-658. (ISSN 0974-5904, I.F./C.S. 0.46)
Akhila Manne and Neelima Satyam (2013), "Microtremor testing in Vijayawada City (India), for Estimation of Local Site Effects, Geotechnique Letters, ICE London, (ISSN: 2049-825X, E-ISSN: 2045-2543, I F: 1.612/2013) UK, Vol 3(4), 173-179.
Akhila Manne and Neelima Satyam (2013), "Microtremor testing for Ground Response Analysis in Visakhapatnam City, India" EJGE, Vol. 18[2013]/Bund.O, PP 3035-3046. (I.F./C.S. 1.128)
Neharika Ganta and Neelima Satyam (2013), "Dynamic analysis of landslide at north Bengal- Sikkim during 18th sep 2011, International Journal of Landslide and Environment, Vol 1, No.1,19-30.
Vijaya lakshmi and Neelima Satyam (2011), "Numerical Modeling of Rock Slopes In Siwalik Hills Near Manali Region: A Case Study", Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 16/G, pp. 763-783. (ISSN: 1089-3032), (I.F./C.S. 1.128).
Neelima Satyam and Rao K S (2011), "Assessment of Liquefaction Hazard using Shear Wave Velocities in Delhi, India", International Journal of Geotechnics and Environment (IJGE), Vol.3 No.2, Pages: 117-129
Neelima Satyam and Rao K S (2011), "Microtremor Studies for dynamic site characterization of Delhi," International Journal of Advances in Civil Engineering, Special issue on "Advances in Instrumentation and Monitoring in Geotechnical Engineering" 2011(1). Article ID 936399, 6 Pages, https://doi:10.1155/2011/936395.
Neelima Satyam and Rao K S (2009), "Seismic Site Characterization of Delhi Region Using Microtremor Studies” International Journal of Geotechnics and Environment (IJGE), 1(1), PP. 37-51. (ISSN : 0975-4822)
Neelima Satyam and Rao K S (2009), "Estimation of Peak Ground Acceleration for Delhi NCR Using FINSIM, a Finite Fault Simulation Technique", International Journal of Geotechnics and Environment, 1(2), 147-159,
Neelima Satyam and Rao K S (2008), "Seismic Site Characterization in Delhi Region using Multi channel Analysis of Shear wave Velocity (MASW) Testing", Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 13, (I.F. 1.128)
Neelima Satyam and Rao K S (2005), "Liquefaction Studies for Seismic Microzonation of Delhi Region", Current Science Journal, March, 2007, 92 (5), 646-654,, (I.F. 0.93).
Nikhil Kumar Pandey, Neelima Satyam, Jatin Pardhi, and Badal Ranjit Singh (2024) "Physical and rheological studies of debris flow in Western Himalayas (India) using Latin hypercube sampling" Poster Presentation in 14th International Symposium on Landslides, Chambery-France
Minu Treesa Abraham and Neelima Satyam (2024) "Regional scale landslide forecasting using data driven approaches" Poster Presentation in 14th International Symposium on Landslides, Chambery-France
Neelima Satyam (2023) "Stages of developing a prototype landslide forecasting framework using geotechnical monitoring: A Case study from India", Oral Presentation at 17th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, ARC 2023
Kunal Gupta and Neelima Satyam (2023) "Probabilistic mapping of co-seismic landslide hazard in Uttarakhand state (India)", Session NH3.7 - Towards reliable Landslide Early Warning Systems, EGU23-4070,
Minu Treesa Abraham and Neelima Satyam (2023) "Process-based and data-driven approaches for landslide forecasting: A quantitative comparison on regional scale", Session NH3.7 - Towards reliable Landslide Early Warning Systems, EGU23-1591,
Neelima Satyam, Minu Treesa Abraham, and Kunal Gupta (2023) "Resolution of data, type of inventory and data splitting in machine learning-based landslide susceptibility mapping", Session GM3.3 - Benchmark datasets for landslide susceptibility zonation, EGU23-4851,
Falak Zahoor, Abdullah Ansari, Kondalamahanaty Seshagiri Rao, and Neelima Satyam (2023) "Atypical Site Effects and Insufficiency of the Conventional Seismic Site Classification Methods: Experimental observations in the Geological Deposits of the Kashmir Valley (NW Himalayas), Jammu and Kashmir", Session NH4.4-Earthquake site effect evaluation: recent advances and new perspectives, EGU23-15497,
Minu Treesa Abraham, Neelima Satyam and Biswajeet Pradhan (2022) "Effect of data splitting and selection of machine learning algorithms for landslide susceptibility mapping", Session NH3.7 - Towards reliable Landslide Early Warning Systems, EGU22-6795,
Kunal Gupta and Neelima Satyam (2022) "Seismically induced Landslide hazard assessment based on the spatial distribution of the slope strength demand in the Western Himalayas", Session NH3.7 - Towards reliable Landslide Early Warning Systems, EGU22-7328,
Minu Treesa Abraham, Neelima Satyam and Biswajeet Pradhan (2021) Forecasting landslides: An Integrated Approach using Rainfall Thresholds and Realtime Field Monitoring at Darjeeling Himalayas, NH35A-0456, AGU Fall Meeting 2021
Kunal Gupta and Neelima Satyam (2021) Seismic Signal Based Characterization and Interpretation of 07 February 2021, Ice-rock AvalancheTriggered Hazard Chain in Uttarakhand, NH35A-0460, AGU Fall Meeting 2021
Neharika Ganta and Neelima Satyam (2021) Landslide hazard management of Tindharia slope, West Bengal, India, NH35A-0464, AGU Fall Meeting 2021
Minu Treesa Abraham, Neelima Satyam and Biswajeet Pradhan (2021) Potential use of antecedent soil moisture in forecasting of rainfall induced landslides In Session Landslides; NSF Convergence Workshop May 2021, AGU
Maria Alexandra Bulzinetti, Minu Treesa Abraham, Neelima Satyam , Biswajeet Pradhan and Samuele Segoni (2021) Combining rainfall thresholds and field monitoring data for development of LEWS., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19-30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2072,
Samuele Segoni, Minu Treesa Abraham, Neelima Satyam , Ascanio Rosi, and Biswajeet Pradhan (2021) Application of SIGMA model for landslide forecasting in Darjeeling Himalayas, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19-30 Apr 2021, EGU21-669,
Minu Treesa Abraham, Neelima Satyam and Ascanio Rosi(2020) Empirical Rainfall Thresholds for Occurrence of Landslides in Wayanad, India, Session NH3.11 - Towards reliable Landslide Early Warning Systems, EGU2020-167
Nitin Tiwari and Neelima Satyam (2020), Experimental Study on Swelling attributes of synthetic geotextile reinforced expansive soil, 36th International Geological Congress, India
Minu Treesa Abraham and Neelima Satyam (2020), Monitoring of Active Slopes for Landslide Early Warning at Kallimpong India, 36th International Geological Congress, India
Meghna Sharma, Shubham Sahu and Neelima Satyam (2020), Liquefaction Mitigation via Biomediated Soil Improvement, 36th International Geological Congress, India
Nitin Tiwari, Neelima Satyam and Jasmin Patva (2019), Experimental study on the influence of polypropylene fiber on swelling pressure - expansion attributes of clayey soil, International Conference on Geotechnics for High Speed Corridors, India. (Paper No. 26)
Abhirup Dikshit and Neelima Satyam (2019), Monitoring of unstable slope with low cost sensor network in Chibo, Kalimpong, Darjeeling Himalayas, India, XVI PanAmerican Conference on Soil mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Nov 17-19, 2019, Mexico (paper No. 24)
Abhirup Dikshit and Neelima Satyam (2019), Early warning of surface failure of slopes using tilt sensors in Chibo Pashyor, Kalimpong XVI Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Oct 14-18, 2019, Taipei, Taiwan
Abhirup Dikshit and Neelima Satyam (2019) Real-time term monitoring of unstable slopes of Darjeeling Himalayas, India, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 21, EGU2019-3818
Abhirup Dikshit and Neelima Satyam (2018), Landslide Hazard Assessment and Monitoring in Chibo Pashyor, Kalimpong, India, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU2018-68-2
Swathi Putti and Neelima Satyam (2017), H/V Spectral Ratio Study for Estimation of Local Site Effects in Vishakhapatnam City, Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment, ISBN: 978-4-9905958-8-3 C3051.
Abhirup Dikshit, Neelima Satyam , Raju Sarkar, Karan Narang (2017), Using Hydrological Model for landslide forecasting in Chibo Pashyor, Kalimpong (West Bengal), India Proceedings, International Conference on Disaster Risk Mitigation, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Neelima Satyam and Pallavi (2017) Effect of L/D ratio of pile group using equivalent pier method including interaction, GeoMeast 2017, Proceedings of Sustainable civil infrastructures.
Abhirup Dikshit and Neelima Satyam (2017) Rainfall thresholds for the prediction of landslides using empirical methods in Kalimpong, Darjeeling, India, JTC1 Workshop on Advances in Landslide Understanding, May 24 – 26, 2017, Spain
Durga Prasad, Neelima Satyam (2016) Analysis of continuous and segmented pipeline in liquefiable soil. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Integrity-Reliability-Failure, Portugal.
Pallavi Ravishankar and Neelima Satyam (2015) “Applicability of the Equivalent pier method for asymmetrical pile group”, 6th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Newzealand.
Neelima Satyam and Shiny Niharika (2015), " Assessment of Malbasey landslide (West Sikkim) during 2011 India-Nepal Earthquake, The 6th International Geotechnical Symposium on Disaster Mitigation in Special Geoenvironmental Conditions, pp 497-500
Akhila Manne, Neelima Satyam (2014), ‘Influence of Particle Shape and Size on the Dynamic Soil Properties’ 15th Asian Regional Conference, Japan.
Pallavi Ravishankar and Neelima Satyam (2014), “Study on Interfaces effect on SSI analysis of asymmetrical pile supported building ” 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Building Materials (CEBM2014), Hong Kong.
Pallavi Ravishankar and Neelima Satyam (2014),”DSSI for pile supported asymmetrical buildings in a stratified soil”, Golden Jubilee Conference of IGS Bangalore Chapter, GI-2014
Pallavi Ravishankar and Neelima Satyam (2014), “Interaction analysis for oil storage tank on marine clay”, proceedings of fourth international conference–Geomate 2014 Geotechnique, Construction Materials and environment (GEOMATE 2014), Brisbane, pp: 157-161.
Pallavi Ravishankar and Neelima Satyam (2014), "Numerical Analysis of pile-soil interaction", Proceedings in Three-Day International National Conference on Emerging Trends in Civil Engineering (ICETCE-2014) Jan 2014, INDIA, pp: 568-572.
Pallavi Ravishankar and Neelima Satyam (2013) “Numerical analysis for parametric study on performance of the pile group in liquefiable soils” International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure (ICSI -2014) , Nov.6-8, 2014, Long Beach, California
Pallavi Ravishankar and Neelima Satyam (2013) "Numerical modeling to study dynamic soil structure interaction effects on asymmetrical buildings" International Conference of Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering June 17-19, Turkey paper No: 37.
Pallavi Ravishankar and Neelima Satyam (2013) "Finite element modeling to study soil structure interaction parameters for tall structures" 18th ICSMGE workshop of TC207 "Soil-Structure Interaction and Retaining Walls" pp 225-230. (3)
Neharika Ganta and Neelima Satyam (2013) Dynamic analysis of landslide at north Bengal- Sikkim during 18th sep 2011, The 11th International Symposium on Mitigation of Geo-Disasters in Asia (MGDA-11) October 22 to 28, Kathmandu, Nepal
Neelima Satyam (2013) “Support system design of underground cavern in disintegrated rockmass, 7th International Conference on Case histories in Geotechnical Engineering and symposium in honour of Clyde Baker, Chicago.
Neelima Satyam and Akhila Manne (2012) “Design Of Support System For Excavation In Black Cotton Soils In Guntur, India” GEOMAT 2012, Nov 14-15,2012,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Akhila Manne, Chandan Ghosh and Neelima Satyam (2012) “Detailed Ground Response Analysis for Kolkata City, India” 15th World conference on Earthquake Engineering (15 WCEE), Sep 24-28, 2012, Lisbon, Portugal, Paper No:5158 (1)
Akhila manne, Uday Balthy and Neelima Satyam (2012) “A Microtremor HVSR study of the seismic site effects in the of Vijayawada” Second International Conference on Performance-Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering , May 28-30, 2012, Taormina, Italy.
Vijaya lakshmi R and Neelima Satyam (2011)”Finite Element Analysis of Tunnels in Siwalik Hills of Himachal Pradesh using PLAXS 3D” International Conference on Geotechnics for sustainable development, Hanoi, Vietnam
Saranya P and Neelima Satyam D (2011) “Dynamic Analysis of Pile Soil Interaction” International Symposium on Advances in Ground Technology and Geo-Information (IS-AGTG), Singapore (
Akhila, Rajesh Chandra and Neelima Satyam (2011) “Assessment of Liquefaction
Potential for Vijayawada Urban” International Engineering Symposium at Kumamoto
University, Japan, PP:C6-4-1 to C6-4-4.
Neelima Satyam (2011) “Site Specific Dynamic Response Analysis of Nuclear Reactor Building on deep sedimentary soils”, The 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Hongkong . Paper No: 465
Gopiram Addala, Neelima Satyam and Ramancharla Pradeep Kumar (2010) “Dynamic Analysis of Transmission Towers under Strong Ground Motions” 3rd International Earthquake Symposium,Bangladesh ,paper No: 5B:5 (2)
Neelima Satyam and Pradeep K Ramancharla (2010) “Numerical analysis of a Pile Subjected to Lateral Loads” 7th European Conference on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering, Norway, Paper No: 171
Younus M and Neelima Satyam (2010) “Seismic Performance of Laterally Loaded Pile Group Using 3D Non Linear Finite Element Method Simulation” International Conference in Advances in Analysis, Design and Modelling GeoFlorida, Abstract id: 330
Neelima Satyam and Rao K S (2010) “Multi Channel Analysis of Surface Wave (MASW) Testing For dynamic site Characterization of Delhi Region” 5th International conference on Recent advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil dynamics, California, Paper no:1.01b
Neelima Satyam , Pradeep K Ramancharla and MR Madhav (2009) “Earthquake Hazard Assessment of Peninsular India” International Symposium on geo-informatics and zoning for hazard mapping, Kyoto, Japan
Neelima Satyam and Gajendra V(2009) “Recycled Aggregates and its Effect on Concrete” Proceedings of the International Conference on Challenges and Recent Advances in Pavement Technologies and Transportation Geotechnics, August 3-6, 2009, Hunan, China. Paper No: 5
Neelima Satyam and Rao K S (2009) “A case study on dynamic site characterization of Delhi region” International Conference on Performance-Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering from case history to practice, Japan, Paper No: 115
Neelima Satyam and Rao K S (2008) "Microtremor studies for seismic site characterization of Delhi region” Proceedings of 12th International Conference on IACMAG, Paper No: 713.
Neelima Satyam and Rao K S (2008) "Estimation of Vulnerability Index using Microtremor Testing” Proceedings of 1st ISSMGE International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics, University of Nottingham, UK, Paper No. P103
Neelima Satyam and Rao K S (2008) “Seismic site characterization of Delhi region using Microtremor method: a case study” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, , Virginia, Paper No:3.51
Neelima Satyam and Rao K S (2008) “Seismic Site Characterization of Delhi Region using MASW Tests” Proceedings of the International Conference on Development of Urban Areas and Geotechnical Engineering, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. (7)
Neelima Satyam and Rao K S (2008) “Effects of Structural Planes on Rock Foundations”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Geotechnical and Highway Engineering, Malaysia, Paper No: G62
Neelima Satyam , Rao K S and M.R.Madhav (2008) “Estimation of Ground Motion Parameters Using FINSIM for Muzaffarabad earthquake 8th October 2005” Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering for Disaster Mitigation and Rehabilitation (GEDMAR08), May 30th –June 2nd 2008, Nanjing, China. (Published by Springer, ISBN 7030216342, 9787030216342) pp:427-431
Neelima Satyam and Rao K S (2008) “Site Response Studies based on Ambient Noise Measurements in Delhi Region” Proceedings of International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Disaster Management, AIndonesia, Paper No: 136.
Neelima Satyam and Rao K S (2008) “Ground Motion Studies in Delhi Using FINSIM, A Stochastic Finite Fault Model ” Proceedings of International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, ICGE 08, Tunisia, Paper No: 169.
Neelima Satyam and Rao K S (2007) “Multi Channel Analysis of Surface Wave (MASW) Testing For Site Characterization of Delhi Region” Proceedings of International Workshop on Earthquake Hazards and Mitigation, pp 439-446.
Rao K S and Neelima Satyam (2007) "Seismic Microzonation of Indian Mega Cities”, Proceedings of 13th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, pp 694-697.
Neelima Satyam , Rao K S and M.R.Madhav (2007) "Estimation of Ground Motion Parameters Using FINSIM, a Stochastic Finite Fault Model” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Disaster Prevention and Rehabilitation, Semarang, Indonesia.
Rao K S and Neelima Satyam (2007) "Multi Channel Analysis of Surface Wave (MASW) Testing For Site Characterization of Delhi Region", Proceedings of International Conference on Soil and Rock Engineering, Colombo,321-325.
Rao K S and Neelima Satyam (2007) "Ground Motion Studies in Delhi Using FINSIM, a Stochastic Finite Fault Model", Proceedings of International Conference on Civil Engineering in the New Millennium: Opportunities and Challenges, Kolkatta, 11-14.
Neelima Satyam , Rao K S and M.R.Madhav (2006) “Ground Motion Studies in Delhi Using FINSIM, a Stochastic Finite Fault Model", Proceedings of International Conference on Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Pakistan, 411-416.
Rao K S and Neelima Satyam (2005) "Seismic Microzonation of Delhi Region", Proceedings of International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering for Disaster Mitigation and Rehabilitation, 12-13 December 2005, Singapore, P630, 319-325. (5)
Rao K S and Neelima Satyam (2004), “Site Characterization through Microtremor Studies for Seismic Microzonation of Delhi Region, Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Osaka, Japan, 2703-2706.
Gollapudi Nehraika rao and Neelima Satyam (2022) Deterministic seismic hazard analysis of Tindharia site using ANBU-13 GMPE, Indian Geotechnical Conference 2022, TH-11-003
Monika Dagliya and Neelima Satyam (2022) MICP Based Indian Desert Sand Stabilization, Indian Geotechnical Conference 2022, TH-02-017
Meghna Sharma and Neelima Satyam (2022) Model Scale Application of Biomineralization Technique: Dynamic Cone Penetration Test and Calcite Content, Indian Geotechnical Conference 2022, TH-09-034
Minu Treesa Abraham and Neelima Satyam (2022) Calibrating of rheological parameters and modeling the runout process of debris flows, Indian Geotechnical Conference 2022, TH-06-003
Meghna Sharma and Neelima Satyam (2021), Influence of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on Biotreated Sand using MICP, Indian Geotechnical Conference 2021, TH-05-001
Ambika Srivastav and Neelima Satyam (2021), Seismic Stability Assessment of Horseshoe-shaped Tunnel Using a Pseudo-static Approach, Indian Geotechnical Conference 2021, TH-12-003
Falak Zahoor, K. Seshagiri Rao, Fuzail Showkat Wani, Syed Mehran Andrabi, and Neelima Satyam (2021), Local Site Effects using HVSR Analysis along Srinagar Metro Rail Alignment, Jammu and Kashmir, Indian Geotechnical Conference 2021, TH-06-031
Minu Treesa Abraham and Neelima Satyam (2021), "An integrated approach for landslide forecasting at Kalimpong, India, using rainfall thresholds and field monitoring data", Research Conclave 2021, IIT Roorkee
Nitin Tiwari, Neelima Satyam and Jasmin Patva (2019), Experimental Study on the Swelling Behavior of Expansive Soil Reinforced with Coir Geotextile, Indian Geotechnical Conference 2019, TH03-80
Ambika Srivastav and Neelima Satyam (2018) Seismic analysis of a circular tunnel considering different rockmass quality 'Q' 16th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, 20-22 December 2018, IIT Roorkee, India Paper No. 333
Abhirup Dikshit and Neelima Satyam (2019) Landslide early warning system in Kalimpong, West Bengal, 7th Indian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference, NIT Silchar
Ambika Srivastav and Neelima Satyam (2019) Stability analysis of jointed rock slope, 7th Indian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference, NIT Silchar
Abhirup Dikshit and Neelima Satyam (2018), Probabilistic Assessment of Paglajhora Landslide, Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference, TH03_40
Neharika Rao and Neelima Satyam (2018), PSHA Analysis for Jorethang Slope in Sikkim State, India, Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference, TH03_52
Putti Swathi Priyadarsini and Neelima Satyam (2018), Design of pile foundation system for wharf structure in liquefiable soils", Proceedings of Indian geotechnical conference, TH06_30
Abhirup Dikshit and Neelima Satyam (2016), Parametric Study of Stability of Pond Ash Embankments, Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference, TH03_451
Neharika Rao and Neelima Satyam (2017) Landslide hazard assemment of Mangan slope, Sikkim, India, Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference
Swathi Putti and Neelima Satyam (2017) Seismic Hazard Assessment of Vishakhapatnam-Probabilistic approach , Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference
Abhirup Dikshit and Neelima Satyam (2017) Rainfall Thresholds for Landslide Occurrence in Kalimpong using Bayesian Approach, Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference
Neelima Satyam (2017) Determination of anelastic attenuation factor (Q) and decay factor (k) from ground motion records of the intra-plate region, Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference (Theme lecture 4)
Durga Prasad, Neelima Satyam (2016) Numerical analysis of piles in liquefiable sloping ground. In: Indian Geotechnical conference, IGC 2016.
Pallavi Badry and Neelima Satyam (2015), “Dynamic nonlinear analysis of asymmetrical buildings”, Indian Geotechnical Conference, Pune,
.Pallavi Badry and Neelima Satyam “Seismic soil structure interaction analysis of piled-raft supported asymmetrical buildings” Proceedings on Symposium on Geodisasters: Ground & Slope Instability, IGS Hyd chapter, pp 1-8.
Akhila Manne, Neelima Satyam (2014), ‘Effect of particle size on the shear modulus of granular soils’, Indian Geotechnical Conference, Kakinada, India.
Madhu kotika and Neelima Satyam (2014) " Numerical modelling of a Road Tunnel in highly disintegrated rockmass" Indian Geotechnical Conference, Kakinada, India.
Pruthvi P.C, Pallavi Ravishankar and Neelima Satyam (2014) “Soil structure interaction analysis for integrated abutment bridge system”, Indian Geotechnical Conference, Kakinada, India.
Pallavi Ravishankar and Neelima Satyam (2014) ”DSSI for pile supported asymmetrical buildings in a stratified soil”, Golden Jubilee Conference of IGS Bangalore Chapter, GI-2014 (30-31October 2014).
Akhila Manne, Neelima Satyam (2013), “Numerical modeling of granular soils under cyclic triaxial testing”, Indian Geotechnical Conference, Roorkee, India.
Uday Kumar B and Neelima Satyam (2012) “GPR Survey for utility mapping at two stations of Hyderabad Metro” Indian Geotechnical Conference, New Delhi, pp 440-443.
Sharma I V and Neelima Satyam (2012) “Numerical Analysis of Tunnels in Jointed Rock Mass of Siwalik Hills” Indian Geotechnical Conference, New Delhi, pp 479-482.
Akhila Manne, Neelima Satyam (2012), “Seismic site effect estimation using microtremor studies in Vijayawada”, Indian Geotechnical Conference, New Delhi, pp 1051-1054. (3)
Vijaya lakshmi and Neelima Satyam (2011)" Numerical Modeling of Rock Slopes In Siwalik Hills Near Manali Region: A Case Study” Indian Geotechnical Conference, 15-17 December 2011, Paper No: N-006. (1)
Saranya and Neelima Satyam (2011) "Soil Structure Interaction of High Rise Structure Supported by Pile Foundation " Indian geotechnical Conference, 15-17 December 2011, F-005
Akhila Manne, Shipla chowdary and Neelima Satyam (2011)"Estimation of Site Effects for Vijayawada city” " Indian Geotechnical Conference, 15-17 December 2011
Akhila Manne and Neelima Satyam (2011)"Geotechnical characterization for Vijayawada Urban using GIS" 3rd Indian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference, New Delhi, India, PP 191-196
Chenna Rajaram, B Narender, Neelima Satyam and Ramancharla Pradeep K (2010) “Preliminary Seismic Hazard Map of Peninsular India” 14th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering and Golden Jubilee celebrations, IIT Roorkee, 17-19th Dec 2010
Mohammed Younus Ahmed and Neelima Satyam (2009) “Numerical analysis of a Pile Subjected to Lateral Loads” Indian Geotechnical Conference, Guntur, Paper No: 32
Neelima Satyam and Prof. M.R.Madhav (2008) “A Case study on the contaminated soils in the Industrial areas of Hyderabad City” Proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference, IISC Banglore
Neelima Satyam and Gajendra V(2008) “Recycled Aggregates and its Effect on Concrete” Proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference, 17-19th December 2008, IISC Banglore
Neelima Satyam and Rao K S (2007) “Assessment of Liquefaction Potential for Delhi Region using shear wave velocities” Indian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference, March 2-3, 2007, pp 94-98.
Neelima Satyam and Rao K S (2006) “Seismic Microzonation of Delhi NCR”, Proceedings of National Conference on Earthquake Disaster Technology and Management, MNNIT Allahabad, 11-12 February. Page No. 149-165. (6)
Rao K S, Neelima Satyam , W.K.Mohanty and G.Suresh (2005) "Microtremor Studies in Delhi Region", Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference, 17-19 December 2005,Nirma Institute of Technology, Ahmedabad, Vol I, pp 339-344.
Rao K S and Neelima Satyam (2005) "Assessment of Shear Wave Velocities in Delhi Using MASW Method", Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference, 17-19 December 2005, Nirma Institute of Technology, Ahmedabad, Vol I, pp 213-234—Awarded Best Paper for “Innovations in field Exploration and Insitu Testing”
Rao K S and Neelima Satyam (2005) "Seismic Microzonation Studies for Delhi Region", Symposium on Seismic Hazard and Microzonation, Sep 24-25th September 2005, IIT Roorkee, Vol I, pp 213-234 (Refered by Sitaram and Anbhazhagan(2008) Seismic Microzonataion: Principles, Practices and Experiments, Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Bouquet08, pp1-61(9).
Rao K S and Neelima Satyam (2005), "Seismic hazard Assessment of Delhi with respect to Liquefaction Potential", Proceedings of National Conference on Geotechnics in Environmental Protection, MNIT Allahabad, April 2005, pp X-9-X-12.
Rao K S and Neelima Satyam (2004), “Liquefaction Potential Mapping for Delhi”, Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference, NIT Warangal, Vol I, pp 219-222. (2)
Rao K S, Gupta K K and Neelima Satyam (2002), “Effect of Structural Planes on Rock Foundations”, Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference, MNIT Allahabad, Vol I, pp 427-432.
Published AICTE sponsored technical book titled "Geotechnical Engineering (Theory & Practicals)" for II year Degree students (Link)
Edited Books
Pala Gireesh Kumar, Kolluru V. L. Subramaniam, S. Moses Santhakumar, and Neelima Satyam (eds) "Recent Advances in Civil Engineering", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Construction Technologies and Advancements in Civil Engineering (ScTACE 2021), Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Volume 233, Springer Nature Singapore,
C. N. V. Satyanarayana Reddy, A. Murali Krishna, Neelima Satyam, and Ravikiran Vaidya (eds) "Dynamics of Soil and Modelling of Geotechnical Problems" Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference 2020 Volume 5, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Volume 186, Springer Nature Singapore,
C. N. V. Satyanarayana Reddy, K. Muthukkumaran, Neelima Satyam, and Ravikiran Vaidya (eds) " Ground Characterization and Foundations " Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference 2020 Volume 1, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Volume 167, Springer Nature Singapore,
Ambika Srivastav and Neelima Satyam (2023). Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for Hydropower Project Sites in the Himalayan Region. In: Sitharam, T.G., Kolathayar, S., Jakka, R.S., Matsagar, V. (eds) Theory and Practice in Earthquake Engineering and Technology. Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering . Springer, Singapore.
Neelima Satyam and Swathi P. (2023). Development of Liquefaction Susceptibility Maps for Vishakhapatnam (India). In: Sitharam, T.G., Kolathayar, S., Jakka, R.S., Matsagar, V. (eds) Theory and Practice in Earthquake Engineering and Technology. Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering . Springer, Singapore.
Neelima Satyam (2022) "Determination of Thresholds for rainfall-Induced Landslides in Kalimpong", Landlsides: Causes, Mitigation, Case studies (Section 9). Beena K.S, Minimol Korulla and Reji Zachariah (eds), Directorate of Public Relations and Publications for Division of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, CUSAT.
Neelima Satyam and Minu Treesa Abraham (2022) Forecasting Landslides for Disaster Risk Reduction: Process-Based Approaches and Real-Time Field Monitoring. Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering,Springer, Singapore, Kolathayar S., Pal I., Chian S.C., Mondal A. (eds) Civil Engineering for Disaster Risk Reduction (Chapter 11),
Nitin Tiwari and Neelima Satyam (2021) Performance Evaluation of Reinforced Expansive Soil Subgrade with Polypropylene Fiber and Geogrid, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Vol. 165, Erol Tutumluer et al. (Eds): Advances in Transportation Geotechnics IV (Chapter 45),
Nitin Tiwari, Neelima Satyam and Jasmin Patva (2021) Experimental Study on the Swelling Behavior of Expansive Soil Reinforced with Coir Geotextile, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Vol. 138, Satyajit Patel et al. (Eds): Proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference 2019, 978-981-33-6563-6, 503511_1_En, (Chapter 11),
Dikshit A. and Neelima Satyam (2021) Probabilistic Assessment of Paglajhora Landslide Using SLOPE/W. Geohazards. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 86, 129-136, Springer,
Swathi P. and Neelima Satyam (2021) Design of Pile Foundation System for Wharf Structure in Liquefiable Soils. Geohazards, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer, 86, 429-439,
Neelima Satyam and Minu Treesa Abraham (2020) "Development of Landslide Early Warning Using Rainfall Thresholds and Field Monitoring: A Case Study from Kalimpong." Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Vol. 123, Ankit Garg et al. (Eds): Proceedings of the 1st Indo-China Research Series in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 978-981-33-4323-8, 502650_1_En, (Chapter 11)(2020),
Book Chapter on "Numerical modeling of biocemented soil behavior", Samui et al. (Eds.),Modeling in Geotechnical Engineering, Elsevier, PP 102-116, ISBN 978-0-12-821205-9 (2020).
Book Chapter on "Landslide prediction and field monitoring for Darjeeling Himalayas: A case study from Kalimpong", Samui et al. (Eds.),Basics of Computational Geophysics, Elsevier, PP 165-188, (2020).
Book Chapter on "Monitoring of unstable slopes with low cost sensor network in Chibo, Kalimpong, Darjeeling Himalayas, India, N.P. Lopez-Acosta et al. (Eds.),Geotechnical Engineering in the XXI Century: Lessons learned and future challenges, IOS Press, ISBN 978-1-64368-031-6, pp 1710-1715. (https://doi:10.3233/STAL190225)(2020).
Book Chapter on "Effect of Soil-Structure Interaction on Free Vibration Characteristics of Antenna Structure". In: El-Naggar H., El-Zahaby K., Shehata H. (eds) Innovative Solutions for Soil Structure Interaction. GeoMEast 2019. Sustainable Civil Infrastructures. Springer, Cham, pp 135-144. (
Book Chapter on “Determination of Anelastic Attenuation Factor (Q) and Decay Factor (K) from Ground Motion Records of the Intra-plate Region” Geotechnics for Natural and Engineered Sustainable Technologies, Chapter no: 21, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd, PP 345-369.
Book Chapter on “Review on Liquefaction Hazard Assessment” Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering - Soil Liquefaction and Seismic Safety of Dams and Monuments, ISBN 978-953-51-0025-6, Edited by: Abbas Moustafa, Intech Publishers, Chapter No:3. (
Book Chapter on " Liquefaction modelling of granular soils using Discrete element method" in Advanced Computational Techniques for Simulation based Engineering, IGI Global (, Chapter No:15.
Book Chapter on “Geophysical Methods for Seismic Site Charcaterization” in Earthquake Research and Analysis / Book 2, ISBN 979-953-307-273-8, Intech Publishers, Chapter No:12.Rao and Neelima Satyam D (2011) “11th March 2011 Tohoku Tsunami Disaster in Japan” Indian Geotechnical Society News Letter, April- June 2011, PP 3-7.
Book Chapter on "The Effect of the L/D Ratio of Pile Group Using the Equivalent Pier Method Including Interaction: in Advances in Analysis and Design of Deep Foundations, PP 157-170, 2018,ISBN 978-3-319-61642-1
Invited paper entitled “MultiChannel Analysis of Surface Wave (MASW) Testing for Site Characterization of Delhi Region”, In Edited book entitled ‘Earthquake Hazards and Mitigation’ edited by R. Ayothiraman and Hemanta Hazarika, International Publishing house Pvt. Ltd., (ISBN 978-81-89866-77-8), New Delhi, India, March 2007, pp. 432-439, C 2.
Invited paper entitled “Estimation of Ground Motion Parameters for Muzaffarabad Earthquake, Pakistan on 8th October 2005” Edited by Hanlong Liu, An Deng and Jian Chu, (ISBN:978-3-54079845-3), Springer Berlin Heidelberg Newyork, 2008, PP 427-433.